“I would like to sing the theme tune of a big film - something like 'Titanic.”
Source : "Abba set for reunion as Agnetha admits, 'I have a dream'" by Alex Duval Smith, www.theguardian.com. January 2, 2011.
“Midwest kids got to summer camp. There is something very special about being away from your parents for the first time, sleeping under the stars, hiking and canoeing.”
“Once you add value, you get paid”
Source : "Tim Gordon the Action-Taking Sophomore House Flipper". House Flipping podcast, houseflippinghq.com.
“Be who you are and be that well.”
“A lot of so-called rich, according to this legislation, make $250,000. That's a lot of money, but it is not rich.”
“Ask photographers to write and they have nothing to say; ask them to talk about their work and they won't shut up.”
“Fairness has not been enhanced by the tax code, but lobbyists have been made rich, politicians have been re-elected, and the economy has been made to suffer.”
“I think personal power is having the availability to say, 'No' to something, whatever that may be.”