“I know, or I dream, that pop music can search out limits, mock restrictions and divisions, exorcise cultural nightmares, contribute to revitaiisation of people's thinking, disturb and inspire if only through its unstable mobility, its readiness to pursue apparently irrelevant links and private associations.”
“It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard, loving you is like a battle, and we both end up with scars”
Source : Michael Baisden (2000). “The Maintenance Man: A Novel”, Touchstone
“When dictators and tyrants seek to destroy the freedoms of men, their first target is the legal profession and through it the rule of law.”
“Our conscience is not the vessel of eternal verities. It grows with our social life, and a new social condition means a radical change in conscience.”
“Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.”
“The Europeans who went to Africa came back with “modern' art. What is more African than a Picasso?”
“The size of your key ring is the size of your headaches. Si Redd once told me, "Every time you buy something you sell a piece of yourself." Why? Because you have to maintain it, to insure it, to worry about it. So the more you buy, the more you sell a piece of yourself and pretty soon you get so thin you can't do anything. So get rid of all those things and get back to the basics. Everybody has his own basics: it's what he enjoys. Si Redd told me I would "arrive" when I got down to one key. Still working on that!”
“It's not really about asking for the raise but knowing and having faith that the system will actually give you the right raises as you go along. And that, I think, might be one of the additional superpowers that, quite frankly, women who don't ask for raises have. Because that's good karma. It'll come back. Because somebody's going to know: 'That's the kind of person that I want to trust. That's the kind of person that I want to really give more responsibility to.'”
Source : "Microsoft CEO's Comments Reflect A Larger Workplace Problem". Interview with Melissa Block, www.npr.org. October 10, 2014.