Paul Washer famous quotes
50 minutes ago
The true convert does not receive the gospel as an addition to his previous life, but in exchange for it.
-- Paul Washer -
The evidence of justification by faith is the ongoing work of sanctification through the Holy Spirit.
-- Paul Washer -
People tell me judge not lest ye be judged. I always tell them, twist not scripture lest ye be like satan
-- Paul Washer -
All my weak days have a common cause - I have neglected communion with God through my neglect of the Scriptures & prayer. When will I learn?
-- Paul Washer -
One of the greatest distinguishing marks of false prophet is that he will always tell you what you want to hear, he will never rain on your parade; he will get you clapping, he will get you jumping, he will make you dizzy, he will keep you entertained, and he will present a Christianity to you that will make your church look like a six flags over Jesus.
-- Paul Washer -
A lot of people think that Christianity is you doing all the righteous things you hate and avoiding all the wicked things you love in order to go to Heaven. No, that's a lost man with religion. A Christian is a person whose heart has been changed; they have new affections.
-- Paul Washer -
Holiness is not merely a feeling, state of mind, or good intention. It involves practical separation from sin and real separation unto God.
-- Paul Washer -
You mark my words, and it won’t be long ... when persecution begins in this country [USA], and it strips everything from you, and most of the evangelical church goes totally apostate, and little groups are left to be berated, THEN you will see that Christ is enough.
-- Paul Washer -
The church is in trouble-that's what they say anyways. The problem is most of what they call the church is not the church, and the church is not quite as in trouble as everybody thinks. As a matter of fact, the church today is absolutely beautiful-she's glorious, she's humble, she's broken, and she's confessing her sin. The problem is what everybody's calling the church today isn't the church. Basically, by and large, what's called the church today is nothing more than a bunch of unconverted church people with unconverted pastors.
-- Paul Washer -
Persecution has never hurt the church ... only prosperity.
-- Paul Washer -
It’s absolutely absurd to say you are a disciple of Jesus Christ yet not bear the fruit of Jesus Christ.
-- Paul Washer -
The devil would gladly give a Bible to every man and promote obedience to its commands if in exchange we would surrender to him the Gospel
-- Paul Washer -
If Jesus Christ isn't strong enough to motivate you to live biblically, you don't know Him at all.
-- Paul Washer -
Your children will go to public school and they will be trained for somewhere around 15,000 hours in ungodly secular thought. And then they'll go to Sunday school and they'll color a picture of Noah's ark. And you think that's going to stand against the lies that they are being told?
-- Paul Washer -
To the wind with what the world thinks about us. We are not to seek the approval of earth, but the honor of heaven.
-- Paul Washer -
Does our Gospel presentation make men excited about what God can do for them on this earth, or about whom God is?
-- Paul Washer -
The moment when you take your first step through the gates of hell, the only thing you will hear is all of creation standing to its feet and applauding and praising God because God has rid the earth of you. That's how not good you are.
-- Paul Washer -
What can not be overcome in prayer? Answer me! What cannot be done by the hand of the Almighty? Answer me! What can be done by your feeble arms!? ANSWER ME! He can take down the iron curtain in a day, He CAN convert a nation in an hour. Call upon Him, believe Him.
-- Paul Washer -
We find or invent the cleverest means of attributing our sins to anything or anyone outside of ourselves.
-- Paul Washer -
In modern day evangelism, this precious doctrine [of regeneration] has been reduced to nothing more than a human decision to raise one's hand, walk an aisle, or pray a 'sinner's prayer.' As a result, the majority of Americans believe that they've been 'born again' even though their thoughts, words, and deeds are a continual contradiction to the nature and will of God.
-- Paul Washer -
You ask me 'What’s the the greatest act of faith?' To me is to look in the mirror of God’s word, and see all my faults, all my sin, all my shortcomings and to believe that God loves me exactly as he says he does.
-- Paul Washer -
When you refuse to teach on the radical depravity of men, it is an impossibility that you bring glory to God, His Christ, and His cross, because the cross of Jesus Christ and the glory thereof is most magnified when it's placed in front of the backdrop of our depravity!
-- Paul Washer -
Right now if this preacher died he would go to heaven. Not because I spent years in the jungles and the Andes Mountains of Peru. Not because of piety, devotion or bible study. Not because of denominational affiliation, baptism, or participation in the Lord’s supper. If I died right now, I would go to heaven because two thousand years ago the Son of God shed His blood for this wretched man. And that is my hope.
-- Paul Washer -
The problem is not liberal politicians, its evangelical preachers.
-- Paul Washer -
How can you learn unconditional love if you’re married to a woman who meets all your conditions?
-- Paul Washer -
Christ is not knocking on the door of a sinner's heart, but on the door of a wayward church.
-- Paul Washer -
You are a steward of every moment, of every talent, of every gift, of every resource that God has given you. Chose wisely what you do today!
-- Paul Washer -
The true gospel is radically exclusive. Jesus is not a way; He is the way, and all other ways are no way at all. If Christianity would only move one small step toward a more tolerant ecumenicalism and exchange the definite article the for the indefinite article a, the scandal would be over, and the world and Christianity could become friends. However, whenever this occurs, Christianity ceases to be Christianity, Christ is denied, and the world is without a Savior.
-- Paul Washer -
If someone is truly converted, they will publicly confess Christ in word and deed. That does not mean presenting them in front of the church on the night of their supposed conversion.
-- Paul Washer -
How could we have such a low view of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we have to manipulate men psychologically to get them to come down and pray a prayer? …How many times have I heard evangelists say, “It’ll only take five minutes.� No my dear friend, it will take your life–all of it!
-- Paul Washer -
The question is not whether you would like to pray this prayer and ask Jesus to come into your heart - after all, you know, the handle to your heart is on the inside and if you do not open it Jesus cannot come in. My friend, Jesus is Lord of your heart and if He wants to come in, He will kick the door down.
-- Paul Washer -
Next, they'll say, "Do you want to go to heaven?" Have you ever had anybody say, "No, I'd rather go to hell." My friend, understand this, everyone wants to go to heaven. They just don't want God to be there when they get there.
-- Paul Washer -
We deal five minutes with a person and their conversion and then we spend the next fifty years trying to disciple a goat into a sheep. I'm not saying this because I'm angry. I'm saying this because countless people are being deceived.
-- Paul Washer -
How dare we, all these stupid evangelists walking around telling men after they've made some little prayer that they need to write their name in the back of their Bible, and put the date and if the devil ever comes to them, they need to show him that. That is Roman superstition, it is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. You see, we've turned the gospel into a flu-shot.
-- Paul Washer -
I would not send my child to a vacation Bible school in 99.9% of the Baptist churches in America. Have some teacher that doesn't even understand anything about the gospel of Jesus Christ, ask those little children, 'How many of you want to go to Heaven?' and damn most of them! Harden their heart to the gospel with some silly profession of faith because it was a silly proclamation of the gospel! It brought no genuine repentance, it brought no faith; it's no different than the Roman church that baptizes every infant that is born.
-- Paul Washer -
Repentance is simply giving up to stop fighting against God and to stop attempting to gain your own salvation through your own works; to literally give up and fall upon Christ. That is salvation.
-- Paul Washer -
I have given God countless reasons not to love me. None of them has been strong enough to change Him.
-- Paul Washer -
Entering in the narrow gate is allowing Him to define your life, and not in general terms. See, there's your problem. 'Oh, Jesus is everything to me, and Jesus is Lord.' Okay, specifically though, explain to me what that means: what has it cost you, how have you changed your life from the course the rest of the world is walking in?
-- Paul Washer -
We as Americans are the wealthiest Christians who ever walked on the face of the earth. We are the most protected Christians that ever walked on the face of the earth, and yet we are the emptiest Christians who ever walked on the face of the earth.
-- Paul Washer -
You may say, 'God doesn't hate anybody. God is love.' No, my friend. You need to understand something. Jesus Christ taught, the prophets taught, the apostles taught this: that apart from the grace of God revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord the only thing left for you is the wrath, the fierce anger of God because of your rebellion and your sin.
-- Paul Washer -
Men, your primary responsibility in your home, after your wife, is you to disciple your own children. And if you don't do it, you're in sin; you are in sin. And if you turn it over to a Sunday school teacher, you are in sin. And you are to be teaching these children more than just stories about animals that went into Noah's ark. You're to be teaching them about God, about radical depravity, about blood atonement, about propitiation, expiation, justification, sanctification; you are to teach your children!
-- Paul Washer -
Salvation is a work of God to show His glory. That’s why He’s not going to let it fail.
-- Paul Washer -
I want to submit to you tonight that this country is not gospel-hardened; it is gospel-ignorant because most of its preachers are. And let me repeat this: the malady in this country is not liberal politicians, the root of socialism, Hollywood, or anything else; it is the so-called evangelical pastor, preacher, and evangelist of our day. That is where the malady is to be found.
-- Paul Washer -
We have taken the glorious gospel of our blessed God and reduced it down to four spiritual laws and five things God wants you to know, with a little superstitious prayer at the end; and if someone repeats it after us with enough sincerity, we popishly declare them to be born again. We've traded regeneration for decisionism.
-- Paul Washer -
Weight every purpose in the light of eternity. A trivial pursuit is that which is out side the will of God & detached from the glory of God.
-- Paul Washer -
Maybe that is why there are not a whole lot of problems between the church and worldly culture today, because we are not confronting the culture around us.
-- Paul Washer -
We cannot convince a man to believe any more than we can raise the dead. Such things are the work of God's Spirit. Men are brought to faith only through the supernatural working of God, and He has promised to work-not through human wisdom or intellectual expertise, but through the preaching of Christ crucified and resurrected from the dead!
-- Paul Washer -
Tell them that everything in their life is going to have to bend to His will. Repent and believe.
-- Paul Washer -
It is absurd to think that a man can believe in Christ, with his heart, and it not have a radical affect on the rest of his life.
-- Paul Washer -
Instead of telling them God has a wonderful plan for their life - tell them who God is.
-- Paul Washer -
There is no such thing as a great man of God, only weak, pitiful, faithless men of a great and merciful God.
-- Paul Washer -
I used to tell young preachers, in order to preach you've got to have the power of God on your life. Now I tell them, in order to tie your shoes you've got to have the power of God on your life.
-- Paul Washer -
It is only against the pitch blackness of the night that we see the glory of the stars. And it is only against the pitch blackness of man's radical depravity that we can begin to see the glories of the gospel.
-- Paul Washer -
The terrible sticky thing about truth is if it exists, it's coming for you.
-- Paul Washer -
When God saves a man, He is regenerating his heart, turns him into a new creature, and the evidence is this ... he will live like a new creature and he will confess Christ.
-- Paul Washer -
Jesus ... HIS sheep, they know His voice and they follow Him whether you disciple them or not!
-- Paul Washer -
The measure of biblical truth that we have grasped is not determined by the size of our heads, but the breadth of our hearts.
-- Paul Washer -
Idolatry is when you become the source of your own joy. Poverty of spirit is a wonderful thing.
-- Paul Washer -
Then they ask, "Do you want Jesus to come into your heart?" Does it bother anyone that this formula or language is not found in the New Testament?
-- Paul Washer -
Sunday morning in America is the greatest hour of idolatry in the whole week. Why? Because most people who are even worshiping God, are worshiping a God they don't know. They're worshiping a god that looks more like Santa Claus than the God of Scripture. They're worshiping a god that is a figment of their own imagination. They created a god in their own likeness and they worship the god they've made.
-- Paul Washer -
Most people today in our churches are lost, and they demonstrate that they are lost because their entire Christianity is nothing more than, 'They made a decision.'
-- Paul Washer -
A Theologian has nothing on a man who has experienced God
-- Paul Washer -
I don't want revival...I WANT CHRIST! And if we have Christ, there will be a revival.
-- Paul Washer -
A Christian who does not pray is like prince in beggars clothes who stands but a few inches from His father's throne and yet does not ask.
-- Paul Washer -
A true Christian will be sensitive to the sin in their life and it will lead them to brokenness and genuine confession, but the person who says they are a Christian and are not sensitive to sin, it does not lead them to confession, a person who is that way is not a Christian.
-- Paul Washer -
We must refuse to lean upon the broken staff of human wisdom & cling to the gospel alone as the power of God to save a hardened humanity.
-- Paul Washer -
God saved you for Himself; God saved you by Himself; God saved you from Himself.
-- Paul Washer -
You say, 'Well, I love secular music.' Let me just share something with you: I don't care. I'm not going to go there; this is what I'm going to tell you: It doesn't matter to me whether it's secular or Christian. My question is, what's being said in those words? Because if what's being said in those words contradicts the will of God, you're violating His will, and you're loving it.
-- Paul Washer -
Know this! They (false prophets) are the judgment of God upon a wicked defiled people who although they have a knowledge of God they do not want him. And so God sends them the teachers that they themselves desire.
-- Paul Washer -
Why would we want fame, when God promises us glory? Why would we be seeking the wealth of the world when the wealth of heaven is ours? Why would we run for a crown that will perish with time, when we're called to win a crown that is imperishable?
-- Paul Washer -
The greatest heresy in the American Evangelical and Protestant church is that if you pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart, He will definitely come in!
-- Paul Washer -
The Lord continues to empty us in order to teach us to lay aside all self-reliance, that we may cling to Christ alone.
-- Paul Washer -
God does not call men to make Jesus Lord (as though they had such power), but to live in absolute submission to the Lord He has made.
-- Paul Washer -
The greatest act of judgment that God can pour out on a people is being poured out on America, and it is this: He's taken away the knowledge of God, and He's closed the mouth of those who are supposed to be speaking for Him. So that little boys lead us with their silly little ideas and we like it that way, because we really do want our best life now.
-- Paul Washer
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