Terminal Illness famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • If people want to see Beaux-Arts, it's fine with me. I'm interested in good architecture as anybody else.

  • "Young men wish always to dream of what they have lost." "And old men?" "Of what they have not found."

  • Marketing only really works with word of mouth.

  • Life starts out with everyone clapping when you take a poo and goes downhill from there.

  • If I were to write anything at all, it would turn out to be nothing but talk about movies. In other words, take 'myself,' subtract 'movies,' and the result is 'zero.'

  • Name ten thousand reasons why you never want to die, go and tell someone who might've forgotten. Try to list the endless reasons why it's good to be alive, and then just smile for a while about them.

  • Were I to write what I know, the book would be too sensational to print, but were I to write what I think proper, it would be too dull to read.

  • God is much more concerned about your character than your career, because you will take your character into eternity, but not your career.

  • I've worked with Ed Bradley, Dan Rather and lots of different local news anchors.

  • I've finally learned not to want things I cannot have.