Gadflies famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The whole Mediterranean, the sculpture, the palm, the gold beads, the bearded heroes, the wine, the ideas, the ships, the moonlight, the winged gorgons, the bronze men, the philosophers - all of it seems to rise in the sour, pungent taste of these black olives between the teeth. A taste older than meat, older than wine. A taste as old as cold water.

  • In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.

  • The writer is one who, embarking upon a task, does not know what to do... Writing is a process of dealing with not-knowing, a forcing of what and how.

  • People think they own time. They have watches and clocks and digital pulses. But they are wrong. Time owns them.

  • I always want to try to bring something fresh to every book. It's getting harder instead of easier. I feel like I work harder with each book. But I don't want it to show on the pages, that's for sure.

  • And the other issue is Gore, $4.6 trillion - the single largest expansion of government in American history, from universal preschool, now, to prescriptions to health care - it is Socialism 101.

  • The piano is a bit of a monster because it is this center of Western music and so much has been done with it and it is a fixed pitch instrument. It is a bit like trying to paint because there is the weight of all that has been done before.

  • The Christian use of religion as a personal love affair both shocked me, and attracted me.

  • True theology is an actual determination and claiming of man by the acting God.

  • Abortion should be listed as a weapon of mass destruction against the voiceless.