Today Is The Day famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence.

  • We all have to decide how we are going to fail, by not going far enough or by going too far.

  • In Reno, there is always a bull market, never a bear market, for the stocks and bonds of happiness.

  • Breathing in, breathing out, ain't that what it's all about. Living life crazy loud, like I have the right to.

  • We normally know Jesus as a humble, loving servant, which He is. But Revelations gives us the bigger picture of who Jesus is, in His glory.

  • At the Imperial Conference on December 1, it was decided to make war against England and the United States

  • And once we have given our community a good start,' I pointed out, ' the process will be cumulative. By maintaining a sound system of education you produce citizens of good character, and citizens of sound character, with the advantage of a good education, produce in turn children better than themselves and better able to produce still better children in their turn, as can be seen with animals.

  • You know, no matter what I am or what I do for a living, I'm still, you know, the husband and the dad and the protector of the house, and I have to be conscientious about that.

  • Whether we call it religion or faith, we all battle for a balanced integrated soul.

  • The bitter dregs of Fortune's cup to drain.