Peace On Earth famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • People who are most afraid of their dreams convince themselves they don't dream at all.

  • All things are created twice; first mentally; then physically. The key to creativity is to begin with the end in mind, with a vision and a blue print of the desired result.

  • I was never less alone than when by myself.

  • I read things like theology, and I read about science, Scientific American and publications like that, because they stimulate again and again my sense of the almost arbitrary given-ness of experience, the fact that nothing can be taken for granted.

  • I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.

  • This treadmill lifestyle ain't workin for me... It's from ya crib to ya lab to ya job to make a profit, And at the day's end you still got nothing accomplished.

  • A writer should say to himself, not, How can I get more money?, but How can I reach more readers (without lowering standards)?

  • Now I'm kind of established as a director, I much prefer directing to writing.

  • I had an approach where everything that's happening it should be as though it's an experience for somebody. So if you're experiencing a hurricane, if you're experiencing a car crash or whatever it is, you're only experiencing as yourself, you're not experiencing it from some objective point of view.

  • I grew up on the beach. It was such a luxury to wake up to the sun and the ocean.