Simple Beauty famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The most available example of how poetry works for a poet is yourself, and yet you'll probably be the last one to know exactly how you're serving the art and how the art is serving you.

  • Don't make him anger please. I don't like it when he's anger.

  • I want to be a major force.

  • God draws no distinction between Himself and us. God opens up the union of the very godhead (Trinity), and brings us into it.

  • Brave people don't live forever, but cautious people don't live at all.

  • I'll beat you up right now if you want me to.

  • Every gulp of air that goes out in a cause other than the cause of Allah will turn to sorrow and regret on the Day of Judgement.

  • I am single and happy.

  • I would never create an image for myself; I'm not that clever.

  • More and more of my audio fans are asking for audiobook versions - files without the intro/outro/etc that go into the podcasts. More and more want them from Audible.