Music And Dance famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Practical storage pieces are great if you have a basement or a garage. But when you actually live with them day in and day out, they should be beautiful to look at.

  • There's nothing more heart-breaking than watching your children suffer.

  • I'm gonna be unemployed when people read this. Ha.

  • What fiction could match - in drama or suspense - man's first walk on the Moon?

  • The imagination is how things get done. You have to cultivate creativity.

  • To me documentary photography means making a picture so that the viewer doesn’t think about the man who made the picture. At its esthetic core is very old tradition in art: naturalism. And its purpose is to document all facets of social relationships.

  • The history of God's people is not a record of God searching for courageous men and women who could handle the task, but God transforming the hearts of cowards and calling them to live courageous lives.

  • I love hearing details of writers' craft, as cannibals eat the brains of clever men to get cleverer.

  • Even today I cannot believe that people who lived together could inflict horrible pain on each other.

  • The only way to avoid all frightening choices is to leave society and become a hermit, and that is a frightening choice.