Professional Sports famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • I don't go to the start line expecting to win. I go to the start believing this could be the day when incredible things happen

  • My problem is that my imagination won't turn off. I wake up so excited I can't eat breakfast. I've never run out of energy. It's not like OPEC oil; I don't worry about a premium going on my energy. It's just always been there. I got it from my mom.

  • Once I'm in the editing room, forget about what I intended to shoot. I take a cold, hard look at what I really did shoot, and then I edit that because, if you try to edit what you intended and you missed somewhere, that will show up.

  • The sands of time are quicksands ... so much can sink into them without a trace.

  • Oh, I think the biggest lesson in Wisconsin is that 60 percent of the people do not believe that recall elections were proper for policy differences, short of some criminal offense.

  • If you really love something, you have to know how to let go.

  • For 6,000 years, these rules have been unquestionably right. And yet we break them every day. People feel that something is wrong in life. There is some kind of atmosphere that makes people now turn to other values. They want to contemplate the basic questions of life, and that is probably the real reason for wanting to tell these stories.

  • The Postal Service's unmatched ability to reach every household and business in America six days a week is a vital part of the nation's infrastructure.

  • Ideas are easy. Execution is everything. It takes a team to win.

  • Thy key to being able to communicate and benefit from each other is to truly see you own value. That will allow you to see it more clearly in others.