Expressive famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • No one, however smart, however well-educated, however experienced, is the suppository of all wisdom.

  • To Napoleon on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God: Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis.

  • Boxing is a business. I have been in the professional game for five years now - I'm not doing it for nothing. I am doing it so I can provide for my future family, so I can have a future. I am here to make money. And at the same time I'm the most exciting fighter in Britain, if not the world, in my opinion. I don't know anybody else in the game that does the things I do in the ring.

  • Around me the moonlight glittered on the pebbles of the llano, and in the night sky a million stars sparkled. Across the river I could see the twinkling lights of the town. In a week I would be returning to school, and as always I would be running up the goat path and crossing the bridge to go to church. Sometime in the future I would have to build my own dream out of those things that were so much a part of my childhood.

  • I don't have much time for real violence at all. I think there are infinitely better ways of changing the world than using violence. Sitting round a table talking is a pretty good start.

  • What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.

  • No one's born with their destiny stamped on their forehead ... we make the choices to fulfill our destiny.

  • The person who is in tune with the Universe becomes like a radio receiver, through which the voice of the Universe is transmitted.

  • Piracy is our only option.

  • Pray that God will open the doors you can't open and close the doors that need to be closed.