Unselfish Love famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Libya has had to put up with too much from the Arabs for whom it has poured forth both blood and money.

  • So long as we judge ourselves by human comparisons, there is plenty of room for self-satisfaction, and self-satisfaction kills faith, for faith is born of the sense of need. But when we compare ourselves with Jesus Christ, and through Him, with God, we are humbled to the dust, and then faith is born, for there is nothing left to do but to trust to the mercy of God.

  • A lot of men think that if they smile for a second, somebody will take advantage of them, and they are right.

  • When it comes to content, the best marketers know that self promotion is good!

  • I didn't spend a whole lot of time here, but I had the seven best years of my career in this city and having an attachment here 20-some odd years later is pretty special to me.

  • Injustice anywhere is an injustice anywhere

  • Working on a film, the setup for an action sequence takes a long time, and we need to shoot the scene many times to get different angles.

  • In a word, the free Church in a free State has been the programme which led me to my first efforts, and which I continue to regard as just and true, reasonable and practical, after the studies of thirty years.

  • He's male. I've noticed that sometimes the brains simply get left out of the package.

  • Strange priests are they who never straightly walk But all aslant through sideways passage stalk Who never seek their goals in forward lines But move askew as fraught with sly designs