Fabrication famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Virginity is such a personal thing. You can't judge anyone on it. A lot of young women feel they want to save themselves for the man who they think they'll love forever.

  • In deep learning, the algorithms we use now are versions of the algorithms we were developing in the 1980s, the 1990s. People were very optimistic about them, but it turns out they didn't work too well.

  • One time I dropped a fly ball in Milwaukee and, after the game, the writers asked me what happened. I told them, 'Well, I was looking up and a UFO flew right across. It was weird. I never saw anything like that in my life.' Man, I was only joking and they wrote it up and put it in the paper.

  • I'm too grateful to be hateful. I am too blessed to be stressed.

  • You also know you’re surrendered when you don’t react to criticism and rush to defend yourself. Surrendered hearts show up best in relationships. You don’t edge others out, you don’t demand your rights, and you aren’t self-serving when you’re surrendered.

  • These are the stories that we tell ourselves and only ourselves, and they are better left unshared.

  • The glory of a good tale is that it is limitless and fluid; a good tale belongs to each reader in its own particular way.

  • Madonna created a monster that sucks up souls.

  • I don't understand what apps are on my phone. Why do they ask for passwords? Why do they all ask for different passwords? It's so frustrating that I end up just reading a book every time I try to go online.

  • I know it's simple, but my main inspiration is just my love of music. I know that sounds overly naive. But it's true.