Zealot famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • This is your body, your greatest gift, pregnant with wisdom you do not hear, grief you thought was forgotten, and joy you have never known.

  • I live a pretty anonymous life.

  • I was very superstitious when I was a teenager, and I had to fight against that because it made me feel anxious.

  • I eat well, and I exercise.

  • For younger athletes - women, especially, if it's a male-dominated sport - I'd say be very careful to just be true to yourself. I spent a lot of time trying to emulate how a male wrestler was. They're tough, they're very confident, they don't show a lot of emotion, and they push through everything. That's not me at all. I'm a wrestler but I have emotions, I'm sensitive. When I stopped trying to be something that I wasn't, I felt like I was freeing myself up to find ways to make it work for myself.

  • I am a typical Libran. I tend to see two sides of everything.

  • Very few people in prison have voices that go beyond the wall. It's my job to do the work for them because they have no one.

  • Its not that I dont value my life. Its just that I love taking chances, testing myself, stepping over the line.

  • What our Seventh Generation will have is a consequence of our actions today.

  • It has become a cliché to announce that 'we live in a remix culture'... What was referred to in post-modern times as quoting, appropriation, and pastiche no longer needs any special name. Now this is simlpy the basic logic of cultural production.