Free Press famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • After fifty, one ceases to digest. As someone once said, "I just ferment my food now."

  • I don't let myself get carried away by my own ideas; I abandon 19 out of 20 of them every day.

  • I took the name Green Destiny from - well there is such a sword called Green Destiny. It is green because you keep twisting it, it's an ancient skill, you keep twisting it and knocking it and twisting it until it is very elastic and light.

  • I was good at football and cricket at school. My dad said, 'Son, be an architect,' and I came to Melbourne passionate about becoming an architect.

  • The air battle is not necessarily won at the time of the battle. The winner may have been determined by the amount of time, energy, thought and training an individual has previously accomplished in an effort to increase his ability as a fighter pilot.

  • One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

  • Do not think of yourself as a small, compressed, suffering thing. Think of yourself as graceful and expanding, no matter how unlikely it may seem at the time.

  • Perhaps there is no such thing as unilateral power. After all, the man in power depends on receiving information all the time from outside. He responds to that information just as much as he causes things to happen... it is an interaction, and not a lineal situation.

  • For me, being tall was very positive because I thought my mom was the most beautiful person ever.

  • Perhaps the earth can teach us As when everything seems dead And later proves to be alive