Subjective famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • General abstract truth is the most precious of all blessings; without it, man is blind; it is the eye of reason.

  • You can never predict how something will land.

  • Execution as punishment is barbaric and unnecessary.

  • The most precious resource we have is time.

  • I don't want to sound obnoxious, but I like to think I brought it another step. I was able to bring people who were casually interested in boxing together.

  • Nothing about my life or my career has been linear.

  • I feel like music is oceanic - there's no end to what you can discover.

  • D.N.A. sequences change by mutations, and the idea behind the molecular clock is that those changes occur at, more or less, a constant rate, over time.

  • Love- the infatuation kind- 'he's so handsome, she's so beautiful'- that can shrivel. As soon as something goes wrong, that kind of love can fly out the window.

  • I had always loved expressionist painting, like every European. In fact I admired it all the more because these were precisely the paintings despised by my father's generation.