Rodney Erickson famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Please say this gas bill is just an estimate

  • Dictators can always consolidate their tyranny by an appeal to patriotism.

  • It's better to be a dictator than gay.

  • When you review the Central American wars or other Latin American wars, you find that there were dictators and there were insurgents.

  • Reason can never be the absolute dictator of man's mental or moral economy.

  • Had I been a dictator, I would still be governing.

  • I will die. The person who succeeds me will also have to die. But elections, you won't have.

  • I'm not someone who usually sends out threats. I warn only once. The day they touch one of my men, the rule of law is over.

  • Warlords, dictators and terrorists are normally okay with the U.S., as long as they do the bidding of U.S. corporate interests.

  • Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people.