Yaacov Agam famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • As the antagonism between those who possess, and those who do not, is becoming more acute day after day, we can already foresee a moment when it will bring about ("entraînera", Fr.) severe (big, high, intense, - "grands", Fr.) disasters, if we do turn (direct, aim, - "dirige", Fr.) life in time the social life in new directions (or ways, - "dans des voies nouvelles", Fr.

  • The American lives even more for his goals, for the future, than the European. Life for him is always becoming, never being.

  • I had always intended to make a living out of playing blues. But I never admitted it to myself. I don't suppose I could have given a logical reason for it ever becoming possible to do so.

  • Our minds can come up with the most entertaining possibilities, if we let them. But most of the time, we keep them under far too close a check.

  • My mother had handed down respect for the possibilities...and the will to grasp them.

  • Sometimes you have to open yourself to the random possibilities of, I guess, destiny.

  • The official Hamas charter calls for the murder of Jews and destruction of the Jewish state.

  • In the actual state of social relationships, the forms ("formes", Fr.) of politeness are necessary as a subsitute to benevolence.

  • Being a Scotsman, I am naturally opposed to water in its undiluted state.

  • In some of the middle colonies the towns and counties were both active and had a relation with each other which was the forerunner of the present system of local government in the Western States.