Robert Barany famous quotes

Last updated: Sep 5, 2024

  • The mortal sickness of a mind too unhappy to be kind.

  • Are you really angry, or simply aware of anger in the body and mind? Don't speculate, simply look at what is there.

  • The minds of stone lovers had colonised stones as lichens clung to them with golden or grey-green florid stains. The human world of stones is caught in organic metaphors like flies in amber. Words came from flesh and hair and plants. Reniform, mammilated, botryoidal, dendrite, haematite. Carnelian is from carnal, from flesh. Serpentine and lizardite are stone reptiles ; phyllite is leafy-green.

  • First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the notion of progress remains only a notion and not an achievement.

  • As much progress as we think we've made with legislation, litigation and education, anti-Semitism still continues to be the No. 2 hate crime in the United States. You can't eliminate it, but you can try to keep a lid on it.

  • Progress is made by the improvement of people, not the improvement of machines.

  • Future orientation is combined with a notion and expectation of progress, and nothing is impossible.

  • I am officially Jewish, but I’m Jewish in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant.

  • You just can't let anything or anyone get in the way of who you are.

  • Definition, rationality, and structure are ways of seeing, but they become prisons when they blank out other ways of seeing.