Cyril of Jerusalem famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill.

  • It takes approximately forty years for innovative thought to be incorporated into mainstream thought. I expect and hope that orthomolecular medicine, within the next five to ten years, will cease to be a specialty in medicine and that all physicians will be using nurition as an essential tool in treating disease.

  • Keep away from physicians. It is all probing and guessing and pretending with them. They leave it to Nature to cure in her own time, but they take the credit. As well as very fat fees.

  • As a physician, I am embarrassed by my profession's lack of interest in healthier lifestyles. We need to change the way we approach chronic disease.

  • The motto for every missionary, whether preacher, printer, or schoolmaster, ought to be 'Devoted for Life.'

  • Awake! thou that sleepest, arise from the dead! The Lord still lives today. His power has never abated. His Word has never changed. The things He did in Bible days, He still lives to do today. Not a burden is there He cannot bear nor a fetter He cannot break.

  • Christianity is an adventure of the spirit or it is not Christianity.

  • Christianity accepted as given a metaphysical system derived from several already existing and mutually incompatible systems.

  • Christianity is the companion of liberty in all its conflicts, the cradle of its infancy, and the divine source of its claims.

  • Christianity ruined emperors, but saved peoples.