Jac Holzman famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Once a sage asked why scholars always flock to the doors of the rich, whilst the rich are not inclined to call at the doors of scholars. ‘The scholars‘ he answered , ‘are well aware of the use of money, but the rich are ignorant of the nobility of science.’

  • You only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down.

  • You know Nana, I searched and searched, but could never find the key that unlocked the way. And now that I've stopped looking, I've finally found it. Maybe the door will open for me.

  • Every ransomed man owes his salvation to the fact that during his days of sinning, God kept the door of mercy open.

  • Music is language itself. It should not have any barriers of caste, creed, language or anything. Music is one, only cultures are different. Music is the language of languages. It is the ultimate mother of languages.

  • The experience of being on a show that is very much in the center of popular culture is exciting. You really feel like you're reaching people.

  • The exclusion of true esoteric religion has been the business of the State since ancient times. At first this was done via the establishment of the popular idealism of exoteric religious institutions in league with the State. But in modern times the same process is done by the strategic exclusion of conventional religious cultism, mystical idealism, and higher evolutionary Wisdom from the mechanisms of popular culture.

  • The country has undergone a profound social upheaval, the greatest the proletariat has ever known.

  • If I feel any sort of emotional upheaval, I go for a jog and I feel better.

  • The energy is changing here dramatically. That's part of the upheaval of the drama. The dimensional shifts are accelerating. The magnetic energy at the core of the Earth has transformed to take in the new settings of our awakening selves.