Steve Kroft famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Med students panic their first year when they learn all the diseases. It's not until the second year that they learn the cures.

  • One of the penalties of being president of the United States is that you must subsist for four years without drinking anything except Californian wine.

  • A man who has made up his mind on a given subject twenty-five years ago and continues to hold his political opinions after he has been proved to be wrong is a man of principle; while he who from time to time adapts his opinions to the changing circumstances of life is an opportunist.

  • Once every five hundred years or so, a summary statement about poetry comes along that we can't imagine ourselves living without

  • It is our experience that political leaders do not always mean the opposite of what they say.

  • Arab leaders worry more about making money from the profits they get from oil and gas that they turn the other way when Lebanon is being destroyed right next to them. Their neighbours are being murdered, but they only make calculations for their own benefit.

  • But the leaders of the OIC could not even accept Mahathir's proposal, yet they talk about respect and honour.

  • I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader.

  • To be a leader means to be able to move masses

  • The Civic Culture (and The Civic Culture Revisited) remains the best study of comparative political culture in our time.

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