Jimmy Haslam famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Our fans want us to be happy and if that means being married or having a girlfriend, they are okay with that. Of course, in this industry it is a bit harder to have normal relationships, but it is possible.

  • When a fan comes up to you and says I love your music, there’s nothing better than that.

  • All I can do is leave it in God's hands and hope that my fans feel where I'm coming from.

  • I enjoy thelove I receive from my fans and my audience. But I think I know what is realfor me and what is not.

  • I'm a fan of Bradley Cooper's.

  • What I love about doing my concerts is always feeding off the fans and their energy.

  • I was a big fan of Middle Eastern elements of music and experimental electronic and tribal sounds.

  • Being on Ozzfest has been a great way for us to break out and show metal fans that we have a heavy side.

  • I want to go and see things as a fan again. I am a fan, but I can't remember what it feels like to be a fan anymore. Because I've become an artist. I've become the artist.

  • There is nobody else out there that I would put ahead of Joe Greene. By far the best Steeler of all time.

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