Burt Young famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • ...Almost everything inside was filled with sugar, cheese, and weight-loss tips.

  • The longer we live the more weight we carry in our hearts.

  • Well-established theories collapse under the weight of new facts and observations which cannot be explained, and then accumulate to the point where the once useful theory is clearly obsolete.

  • According to Goering and the Luftwaffe High Command, they were supposed to be the fighter elite.

  • I smiled, danced and cried my way out.

  • You don't realize what fine fighting material there is in age. ... You show me any one who's lived to over seventy and you show me a fighter - some one who's got the will to live.

  • As much as a disappointment this was, I can only learn from it and become a better fighter.

  • I'm a fighter by nature and nothing will ever change that.

  • We're willing to move pretty far on this issue, we're much more tolerant than we used to be, but don't mix it up with religion and God.

  • You can't talk about peace nor agreement while terror is used as the main argument.