Eddy Cue famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • If you want to go to the mall, you have to take security. But it's always cool. The kids are amazing.

  • I didn't grow up a theatre kid, going to theatre camps. I played sports, and that was my main direction. But luckily, I never had to choose between sports and theatre.

  • Three minutes thought would suffice to find this out; but thought is irksome and three minutes is a long time.

  • As far as the grunge thing, there are three bands from Seattle that I would call true grunge.

  • I was thrilled to be able to read at three. I just thought everyone loved reading as much as I did.

  • You don't need a major label and they sure don't need you.

  • A mode of thought does not become 'critical' simply by attributing that label to itself, but by virtue of its content.

  • I don't label myself one way or another. I love who I love; it's the person that matters.

  • Identity itself should be not a smug label or a gold medal but a revolution.

  • I think it is very useful to know ourselves, but when we start naming and labeling, that is dangerous, that gets problematic. It negates that things are always changing. Besides, it's hard to pin a label onto something that's always moving.

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