Sarah Wright famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • It used to be that you kind of got pigeonholed into one thing - you're either a stage actor or a TV actor or a movie actor. Today, there's a lot of crossover with film actors doing television, which never happened before, so those lines are a little bit more blurred than they used to be.

  • All TV is, is really: 'Don't you want to be this, aren't you glad you're not that.' There's nothing really in the middle.

  • I don't have cable. I just never watched a lot of TV.

  • There's certainly more work for me in TV these days.

  • Just to be working again as an actress and possibly doing TV would just be great. It's not about how big the role is.

  • Ed Sullivan brought me to TV first in 1952, then Garry Moore's program gave me a lot of confidence and freedom.

  • I turn on the TV sometimes, start watching something and think: 'This seems quite good, a bit familiar.' Then I realise... It's one of my movies. It's a pretty odd feeling.

  • Among some of the youngsters, I think reality TV has installed that culture into them and inspired a few of them into wanting to be 'TV celebrities.

  • I direct a lot of TV commercials and music videos.

  • That's where my passion was ignited, on the set of 'Pobol Y Cwm.' I loved it and I've had such a passion for TV and films. I can't do anything else.