Bottles famous quotes
52 minutes ago
Last week, I had to offer my publisher a bottle that was far too good for him simply because there was nothing between the insulting and the superlative.
-- A. J. Liebling -
I rarely drink from the bottle, but I'll smoke a little weed,
-- Aaron Lewis -
Got no place to go, but there's a girl waitin' for me down in Mexico. She got a bottle of tequila, a bottle of gin, and if I bring a little music, I could fit right in...
-- Adam Duritz -
You know, you really can't beat a household commodity - the ketchup bottle on the kitchen table.
-- Adlai E. Stevenson -
I drank my bottle of milk and ate my morsel of bread somewhere on the outskirts, while I circumspectly studied my environment or else fell to meditating on my own harsh lot.
-- Adolf Hitler -
I knew if I ate anything of hers again, it would lkely tell me the same message: help me, I am not happy, help me -- like a message in a bottle sent in each meal to the eater, and I got it. I got the message.
-- Aimee Bender -
Read yourself, not books. Truth isn't outside, that's only memory, not wisdom. Memory without wisdom is like an empty thermos bottle - if you don't fill it, it's useless.
-- Ajahn Chah -
Left all my Beatle records out in the sun, got a coke bottle stuck on the end of my tongue.
-- Al Yankovic -
American love — like coke in green glass bottles...they don't make it anymore.
-- Alan Moore -
The entrepreneurial instinct is in you. You can't learn it, you can't buy it, you can't put it in a bottle. It's just there and it comes out.
-- Alan Sugar -
I have always had more dread of a pen, a bottle of ink, and a sheet of paper than of a sword or pistol.
-- Alexandre Dumas -
Ive always loved my red wine, and when Im not working I can open a bottle too many. I love to cook, so its one for me and one for the casserole. I would consume a bottle of wine on my own of an evening and then literally pass out.
-- Amanda Donohoe -
Empty wine bottles have a bad opinion of women.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
Seduction is often difficult to distinguish from rape. In seduction, the rapist often bothers to buy a bottle of wine.
-- Andrea Dworkin -
When I feel like I'm not doing what I am supposed to as a mother, I will torture myself. I don't know how to deal with it. I find some consolation in the fact that all mommies feel it. If there was a way to cure mommy guilt, I would bottle it and be a bazillionaire.
-- Angie Harmon -
A loss of any kind is horrible. Not because it takes away, but because it makes you believe- in newspapers, in tomatoes, in empty whiskey bottles.
-- Anosh Irani -
The electron, as it leaves the atom, crystallises out of Schrödinger's mist like a genie emerging from his bottle.
-- Arthur Eddington -
Jazz was born out of the whiskey bottle, was raised on marijiana, and will expire on cocaine.
-- Artie Shaw -
My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?
-- Betty Ford -
A message in a bottle is one of the most intriguing things that you can find, the circumstance and method of delivery forever hidden but just the message sitting there, enigmatic, to decode.
-- Bill Gothard -
The most important things are actually the easiest to obtain: great friends, good food, and a decent bottle of wine.
-- Blake Mycoskie -
The whole world's a bottle, And life's but a dram, When the bottle gets empty, It sure ain't worth a damn.
-- Bob Dylan -
I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.
-- C. S. Lewis -
Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all others were making ships.
-- Charles Simic -
Fitness - if it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body.
-- Cher -
The first time I played the Masters, I was so nervous I drank a bottle of rum before I teed off. I shot the happiest 83 of my life.
-- Chi Chi Rodriguez -
A bottle of wine begs to be shared; I have never met a miserly wine lover.
-- Clifton Fadiman -
You can tell that hold is effective because his face is red and the rest of his body is the color of a bottle of 2% milk.
-- CM Punk -
Every day I ran to that book like it was a bottle of whiskey and crawled inside because it was a world that I had at least some control over, and slowly, in time, it began to take shape.
-- Craig Ferguson -
I wanted to hold happiness in reserve, like a bottle of champagne. I postponed it because I was afraid, because I overvalued it, and then I didn't want to use it up, because what do you wish for then?
-- Curtis Sittenfeld -
When we get out of the glass bottle of our ego ... things will happen to us so that we don't know ourselves. Cool, unlying life will rush in.
-- D. H. Lawrence -
There's something about having a great bottle of wine and a great cigar. Nothing compares to it.
-- D. L. Hughley -
Bad people drink bad beer. You almost never see an empty bottle of Rochefort tossed onto the side of the road.
-- Dave Cook -
Some might tell you there's no hope in hand Just because they feel hopeless But you don't have to be a thing like that You be a ship in a bottle set sail
-- Dave Matthews -
If you guys are going to be throwing beer bottles at us, at least make sure they're full.
-- Dave Mustaine -
If fitness came in a bottle,everyone would have a great body. Skip the quick fixes;hard work is what ensures lasting results!
-- Denise Austin -
I absolutely relate to being alone in squalor, trying to come up with something adequate. I relate to that, and I've been known to crawl out of bed and drink out of a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke.
-- Diablo Cody -
If she was broken, she would slash him with her jagged edges, reckless as a drunkard with a shattered bottle.
-- Diana Gabaldon -
Michel Platini has no bottle. He is not a great player.
-- Eamon Dunphy -
Usually it takes a bottle of Bacardi and a gallon of Coke to get John out of his seat.
-- Eamon Dunphy -
But I have an African or Indian approach to what I find. I like to make use of everything. I can't bear to throw things away - a nice wine bottle, a nice box. Sometimes I feel like a wizard in Toytown, transforming a bunch of carrots into pomegranates.
-- Eduardo Paolozzi -
a certain red cardinal sounded like a little bottle being filled up, up, up with some clear liquid.
-- Elizabeth Enright -
Now that I have opened that bottle of memories they're pouring out like wine, crimson and bittersweet.
-- Ellen Hopkins -
I think love can come fairly easily and grow - but really liking the core essence of someone is a much harder thing to bottle. If you have both, you're in pretty good shape.
-- Eric Bana -
what storyteller is adequate to her story? The story carries us along, bottles on the tide, each with our secret mesage and the fervent hope that it does not turn out to be blank.
-- Erica Jong -
I drank a bottle of wine for company. It was Chateau Margaux. It was pleasant to be drinking slowly and to be tasting the wine and to be drinking alone. A bottle of wine was good company.
-- Ernest Hemingway -
He wasn't a complete human being at all. He was a tiny bit of one, unnaturally developed; something in a bottle, an organ kept alive in a laboratory. I thought he was a sort of primitive savage, but he was something absolutely modern and up-to-date that only this ghastly age could produce. A tiny bit of a man pretending to be whole.
-- Evelyn Waugh -
I knew exactly what I was doing. You can't accidentally take a whole bottle of pills.
-- Fantasia Barrino -
I was playing organ at a silent movie house at Harlem and they'd be showing some death scene on the screen. Likely as not, I'd grab a bottle and start swingin' out on 'Squeeze Me' or 'Royal Garden Blues'. The managers complained but, heck, they couldn't stop me!
-- Fats Waller -
Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it.
-- Frank Muir -
By the way, I do not wear a hose. My hose is my own. No coke bottle, nothing stuffed down there.
-- Freddie Mercury -
I've tried every kind of bottled water, but Poland Spring is my go-to. I always have room-temperature bottles of it on side of stage for post-performance.
-- French Montana -
Tradition is something you can't bottle.You can't buy it at the corner store.But it is there to sustain you when you need it most.I've called upon it time and time again.And so have countless other Michigan athletes and coaches.There is nothing like it.I hope it never dies.
-- Fritz Crisler -
Then I smell the sweat on him, a clean musky scent that I'd bottle and wear as perfume if I could.
-- Gayle Forman -
Life is a little like a message in a bottle, to be carried by the winds and the tides.
-- Gene Tierney -
I made a mental note to watch which bottle became empty soonest, sometimes a more telling evaluation system than any other.
-- Gerald Asher -
It needs only a good bottle of wine for a roast chicken to be transformed into a banquet.
-- Gerald Asher -
I often don't say things out loud, even when I should. I contain and compartmentalize to a disturbing degree: In my belly-basement are hundreds of bottles of rage, despair, fear, but you'd never guess from looking at me.
-- Gillian Flynn -
Eating, loving, singing, and digesting are, in truth, the four acts of the comic opera known as life, and they pass like bubbles of a bottle of champagne. Whoever lets them break without having enjoyed them is a complete fool.
-- Gioachino Rossini -
Comedy is like catching lightning in a bottle.
-- Goldie Hawn -
I looked into that empty bottle and I saw myself,
-- Grace Metalious -
Warm evenings, pale mornings, bottle of blues
-- Gram Parsons -
Alcohol is a pervasive fact of life, but an extraordinary fact-pleasurable and destructive, anathematized and adulated, and deeply ambiguous ... the genie in the bottle.
-- Griffith Edwards -
Sometimes the Bible in the hands of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hands of another.
-- Harper Lee -
memories are like corks left out of bottles. They swell. They no longer fit.
-- Harriet Doerr -
Golf tips are like aspirin. One may do you good, but if you swallow the whole bottle you will be lucky to survive.
-- Harvey Penick -
I started writing everything down.I wrote for the same reason someone lost sticks a message in a bottle. I’m here. Help. Please find me.
-- Heather Sellers -
Two warm bodies and one cold bottle of champagne will produce something more wonderful than would happen without the champagne.
-- Helen Gurley Brown -
Always keep a bottle of Champagne in the fridge for special occasions. Sometimes, the special occasion is that you've got a bottle of Champagne in the fridge.
-- Hester Browne -
If I was gonna go to jail, I don't want to go to jail for stealing a bottle of water. I'll steal that $20 million. At least then it was worth it.
-- Idris Elba -
I am so 100 percent Swedish... Someone has said a Swede is like a bottle of ketchup - nothing and nothing and then all at once - splat. I think I'm a little like that.
-- Ingmar Bergman -
Top-down approaches do not work. The bottleneck is at the top of the bottle.
-- Iqbal Quadir -
It [discovering Finnish] was like discovering a wine-cellar filled with bottles of amazing wine of a kind and flavour never tasted before. It quite intoxicated me.
-- J. R. R. Tolkien -
Breastfeeding should not be taboo—and bottle feeding should not be judged—it's ALL fun for the whole family,
-- Jaime King -
Humanity is at the very beginning of its existence-a new-born babe, with all the unexplored potentialities of babyhood; and until the last few moments its interest has been centred, absolutely and exclusively, on its cradle and feeding bottle.
-- James Jeans -
Man and woman, love, what is it? A cork and a bottle.
-- James Joyce -
The more I was treated as a woman, the more woman I became. A adapted willy-nilly. If I was assumed to be incompetent at reversing cars, or opening bottles, oddly incompetent I found myself becoming. If a case was thought too heavy for me, inexplicably I found it so myself.
-- Jan Morris -
Poems . . . are perfume bottles momentarily unstopped—what they release is volatile and will vanish, and yet it can be released again,
-- Jane Hirshfield -
Truth, which is important to a scholar, has to be concrete. And there is nothing more concrete than dealing with babies, burps and bottles, frogs and mud.
-- Jeane Kirkpatrick -
Let me get this straight. you want me to go stomping through a graveyard brandishing a bottle of booze to rouse an unrestful spirit so that I can interrogate him?" - Cat to Bones
-- Jeaniene Frost -
Remember that true beauty comes from within - from within bottles, jars, compacts, and lipstick tubes
-- Jeffree Star -
I sat down to my supper, twas a bottle of red whiskey.
-- Jerry Garcia -
Living and working for four decades in a Bologna apartment and studio he shared with his unwed sisters, Morandi painted little but bottles, boxes, jars, and vases. Yet like that of Chardin and the underappreciated William Nicholson, Morandi's work seems to slow down time and show you things you've never seen before.
-- Jerry Saltz -
I used to drink from my little sister’s bottle when she was a baby.
-- Jessica Jung -
If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I'd like to do Is to save every day
-- Jim Croce -
You can enjoy a $15 bottle of wine as much as you can enjoy a $100 bottle of wine.
-- Joe Bastianich -
Certainly we've seen the enormous changes across the whole of the Middle East. The democratic genie is out of the bottle.
-- John Major -
It's such a thrill to perform live. You never know if you're going to get hit with a bottle or a bra.
-- John Rzeznik -
Happiness is having a rare steak, a bottle of whiskey, and a dog to eat the rare steak.
-- Johnny Carson -
I have a stab wound on my left hip and one on my thigh and a slash mark across my right calf. I have a bottle stab wound on my left calf.
-- Jonah Lomu -
A tavern is a place where madness is sold by the bottle.
-- Jonathan Swift -
Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere.
-- Jose Andres -
Cézanne made a cylinder out of a bottle. I start from the cylinder to create a special kind of individual object. I make a bottle a particular bottle out of a cylinder.
-- Juan Gris