CM Punk famous quotes
50 minutes ago
I would much rather be hated for who I am, then loved for something that I am not.
-- CM Punk -
I'm not Superman. Eventually, the grind gets to you. If you're away from your friends, you're not traveling with anyone you like, and you're doing stuff that doesn't creatively stimulate you, that's when it becomes a job.
-- CM Punk -
I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs. I kick people in the face for a living. So, if that’s something you’re into — if you like watching people get kicked in the face — come see me. I’ll probably be your favorite wrestler
-- CM Punk -
I'm not doing my job if people are like, "What you do is fake." And literally people on the street are confused, generally, for the first time.
-- CM Punk -
I hear you guys all the time talking about Daniel Bryan, trained by Shawn Michaels. One curious thing to me is, how come you guys never mention William Regal? William Regal did the real work with this young man. Shawn Michaels took $3,000 from him, that's all he ever did.
-- CM Punk -
I would never be happy with just coming to TV tapings, not working house shows, and just getting by, staying in the shadows. I'm proud of the fact that I can turn chickenshit to chicken salad.
-- CM Punk -
I don't want to sound egotistical, but I'm egotistical to an extent.
-- CM Punk -
I pride myself on being a jerk, because I'm brutally honest all the time.
-- CM Punk -
I don't know if this sounds bad, but I am set. I don't spend my money. I don't buy cars or have an expensive drug habit. The only thing I've ever bought with the money I've made is my house.
-- CM Punk -
I believe Melina is wearing Uggs. Which is exactly how I feel about her.
-- CM Punk -
I think pro wrestling doesn't seem to get a lot of mainstream attention until somebody dies.
-- CM Punk -
I think it's because I'm real. Inside and outside of the ring, what you see is what you get. I'm CM Punk. I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I'm not trying to lie to the people or be fake. I'm not trying to be some crazy, outlandish character. I'm real and they appreciate that. Everything I say, it comes from the heart. It's all real.
-- CM Punk -
No matter how much people want to pretend that they're embarrassed by it, that they don't watch it, everybody knows about it. It's truly, I believe, one of the only art forms that America has actually given to the world, besides jazz and comic books.
-- CM Punk -
Please. Thank you. Learn it. Love it. Or be disappointed.
-- CM Punk -
For some reason, talking is easy for me. Practice does make perfect; I've been doing it for a while. Being out there in a high-pressure situation with a live audience and a live TV camera on you, it brings something out. It's very organic.
-- CM Punk -
Wrestling is pretty DIY. I've been doing it for 12 years, completely on my own. It's like being in a band or running a zine - except that I get to kick people in the face.
-- CM Punk -
Whatever your walk in life is, you pick what you want to be, then go ahead and be the best one.
-- CM Punk -
I'm a living, breathing example of someone who does the same exact thing, but drugs and alcohol just aren't a part of who I am.
-- CM Punk -
I'd much rather be a one-hit wonder than a phony.
-- CM Punk -
I think drugs and alcohol aren't a wrestling problem, it's a life problem, it's a people problem.
-- CM Punk -
My dad was an alcoholic and my mother...we didn't have any money and I grew up really poor. I watched them spend all of their money on cartons of cigarettes and stuff like that and I didn't understand how if we were broke and we couldn't afford Christmas presents, why could you smoke all of those cigarettes? It's not like they are making you better...they are killing you. It seemed real idiotic to me.
-- CM Punk -
I was a huge Sub-Zero guy, but the fact that you can download Freddy Krueger is the coolest thing I've heard of in a very long time.
-- CM Punk -
I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't use drugs. That may be boring for some people, but that's just me. That's how I live my life.
-- CM Punk -
There's a lot of unrest. There are a lot of people who are unhappy. I don't want to say I'm their hero, but a lot of people have said that... It's like this in every job, I think. There's certain people who are afforded privileges and maybe, maybe don't deserve them.
-- CM Punk -
Pro wrestling has always been ingrained into American culture. It was one of the first things that was ever on television, so everybody watched it.
-- CM Punk -
If something sucks, I've always been completely vocal about it, and I've been punished many, many times because of that. But I don't think I'd be in the spot I'm in right now if I wasn't me. I've always just been me.
-- CM Punk -
The idea of being on television is to wear your T-shirt so people see it and maybe buy it.
-- CM Punk -
I would love to do both but I think I believe there's a thing as overexposure and I think people will get sick of me real quick. I kind of basically looked at it as my retirement plan now. That's definitely something I can do when I'm not wrestling anymore. And believe it or not - this sounds horrible - but it was really easy for me. I would really love to do both. I'd love to wrestle and do commentary, I think that would be awesome.
-- CM Punk -
I've always been me. The last three weeks of my career, I've cut some of the best promos I've ever cut, and I do consider myself to be a promo guy.
-- CM Punk -
Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are.
-- CM Punk -
Yes, I wanted to win! I wanted the belt! I'm a belt mark! I want to sleep with it! I want to wear that and nothing else to church on Sunday!
-- CM Punk -
What you've lost sight of is what you are, and what you are is what you hate. You're the 10-time WWE Champion! You're the man! You, like the Red Sox, like Boston, are no longer the underdog! You're a dynasty. You are what you hate. You have become the New York Yankees!
-- CM Punk -
Do I want an ice cream bar with my name on it? You're DAMN right!
-- CM Punk -
Anybody wants to call me the Triple H of Ring of Honor, I think that's hilarious. I would prefer to call Triple H the CM Punk of the WWE
-- CM Punk -
I'm not the kind of guy that really thinks I'm a celebrity or feels that I'm important or anything like that.
-- CM Punk -
I’m Straight Edge for me, so what everyone else is doing, it doesn’t matter. I’ve never been pressured to drink or smoke or anything by any of the boys, and if anything, a lot of them like me because I’m always the designated driver. I’m the one who makes sure everyone gets home alright and I’m happy doing that.
-- CM Punk -
Don't let these tattoos fool you. I'm straight edge. I'm a man of great discipline; I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs... my addiction is wrestling - my obsession is competition. Discipline. My name is C...M...Punk.
-- CM Punk -
This is how diseases are usually spread. Someone spits on a guy, somebody has sex with a chimp. Next thing you know . . . AIDS.
-- CM Punk -
I've never worn a dress shirt that's been comfortable. I've always just worn dress shoes. On more than one occasion, I've heard that a champion should dress like a champion. But I'm a champion because of who I am. Who I am is not that guy. If everybody wears three-piece suits, everyone looks the same.
-- CM Punk -
CM has always stood for one thing: Chicago Made. Chick Magnet? That’s preposterous. Girls don’t like me. I was born and raised in Chicago. The city made me. Punk is just because I’ve always been a smart-mouthed, wise-ass punk. I still am. I was the guy, if a bunch of football players were messing with one of my friends, I’d walk over there and spit in their face.
-- CM Punk -
I am the best wrestler in the world. I've been the best ever since day one when I walked into this company, and I've been vilified and hated since that day because Paul Heyman saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. That's right, I'm a Paul Heyman guy. You know who else was a Paul Heyman guy? Brock Lesnar, and he split just like I'm splitting, but the biggest difference between me and Brock is I'm going to leave with the WWE Championship.
-- CM Punk -
I'm jumping in right now. And I'm going to say that everybody I know has a 'day I met CM Punk story' and they're all 100% fabrication. It's all bullshit. Thank you.
-- CM Punk -
I don't like having debts. I don't like buying anything that I can't buy in cash.
-- CM Punk -
Sir! Sir! I'm afraid your music is just too loud!
-- CM Punk -
If I- if I competed in Bruno Sammartino's era, I'd have been champion for 20 years, too. No, I'd have been champion for 30 years. Because wrestling one night a month at Madison Square Garden is easy. You never see a Hulk Hogan wrestle TLC matches against a superstar like Ryback. Because he had it easy. I wrestle physically demanding matches on free television, week in and week out. So much that my one year equals 30 of theirs. And I have attained this success, not- not because of you. I am successful not because of you. I am successful in spite of you.
-- CM Punk -
In my twisted brain, I truly believe that nobody ever really dies, as long as the people that he or she touched continue to spread their legacy. I miss Eddie Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero was a great man. So right now, I don't want to hear 'CM Punk', you know the name I wanna hear.
-- CM Punk -
So what? I'm out here doing commentary with Malaria.
-- CM Punk -
Haters are my favorite. I´ve built an empire with the bricks they´ve thrown at me. Keep on hating.
-- CM Punk -
Planning stuff out sucks. If you plan stuff out, you wind up talking in a very monotonous, unnatural way.
-- CM Punk -
Different people are afforded different opportunities. I've been given some awesome opportunities, and I feel that I've always knocked them out of the park. But I've always been scaled back after that.
-- CM Punk -
I'm not a suit and tie kind of guy. I wear a suit once a year, for the Hall of Fame, or if I have to go to a funeral or something. It's just not me.
-- CM Punk -
Do you know what it's like going through life being better than everybody? It's hard.
-- CM Punk -
I've never stolen anything in my life, except maybe a couple hearts here and there.
-- CM Punk -
Right now, I would like complete silence when I'm talking.
-- CM Punk -
Why could you smoke all of those cigarettes? It’s not like they are making you better… they are killing you. It seemed real idiotic to me.
-- CM Punk -
If hell is to roam, then i've got hell to pave...
-- CM Punk -
When you step in the ring, your arms are just too short to box with God
-- CM Punk -
It looks like they've been watching old Japan tapes!
-- CM Punk -
If Triple H asked you to jump off a bridge, would you? Because I think that's good for business.
-- CM Punk -
I drink this [whiskey glass] and I'm just another JBL? you don't get it, I'm not like you. I'm not JBL, I'm CM Punk! Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are.
-- CM Punk -
Right now at the announce table we've got two kings and a queen, I'll let you figure out who's who.
-- CM Punk -
I came here to do a job, and my job is to hurt people.
-- CM Punk -
Can I read it? They really liked it when I did it.
-- CM Punk -
How come when I was a kid, I couldn't be picked on bullies like that?
-- CM Punk -
Gorgeous day here in Chicago. Sure is better than Canada.
-- CM Punk -
Texas is dicktown. No basement in the alamo. I didnt capitalize that on purpose.
-- CM Punk -
See, Josh, that's what you do when someone slaps you in the face. So the next time it happens to you, try to retaliate.
-- CM Punk -
Cole, you stay right where you are. Miz has enough people at ringside tonight.
-- CM Punk -
I am stoked for this. This is my favorite part of the entire show.
-- CM Punk -
You'd figure he'd go do something with his life, like maybe he could enlist and actually become a marine!
-- CM Punk -
A lot of people have used the frog splash over the years. Every one else that used it is a four star frog splash, when RVD did it, it became a five star frog splash.
-- CM Punk -
My chair just broke by the way. It's a billion dollar corporation and I can't get a decent chair and somebody to come out here and fix this announce table.
-- CM Punk -
My hair is pure. It stands for purity because no foreign chemicals or substances has ever touched my hair.
-- CM Punk -
One of the things I want to find out is where the hell are the WWE ice cream bars?!
-- CM Punk -
To John Cena after the fans kept throwing his shirt back in the ring : They didn't throw my shirt back.
-- CM Punk
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