Tubby Smith famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes. His passing and shooting is of the highest level and he’s the most consistent and naturally gifted player we’ve had for a long, long time.

  • If only someone had told me about the confidence-boosting nature of guns, I’d have been shooting them all my life.

  • When I'm shooting a film, I don't look at playback. I don't go and do a scene and then hurry up and watch what I just did. I never look at it so I haven't seen any of it.

  • What I end up shooting is the situation. I shoot the composition and my subject is going to help the composition or not.

  • Well, I've learned something from Michael Robison just about maximizing your shots. For example, if I'm shooting a scene and someone's driving at the wheel, you could steal an insert in the same shot.

  • Meditation is a great way to keep my body well-centered while juggling shooting schedules and recording sessions.

  • Influences come from everywhere but when you are actually shooting you work primarily by instinct. But what is instinct? It is a lifetime accumulation of influence: experience, knowledge, seeing and hearing. There is little time for reflection in taking a photograph. All your experiences come to a peak and you work on two levels: conscious and unconscious.

  • It is not as though the process of production holds any mystery for me, I know exactly what it involves and I know the predominant concern in shooting one of those things is production values - or as they would say, seeing it all up there on screen.

  • In film, I find it very useful always to do some preparation before you start rehearsals or start shooting, because there's so much that's against you on a film set.

  • Once you do a joke and it works it's only good for so long, like shooting fish in a barrel.

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