Evan Osnos famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Nature is a book of many pages and each page tells a fascinating story to him who learns her language. Our fertile valleys and craggy mountains recite an epic poem of geologic conflicts. The starry sky reveal gigantic suns and space and time without end.

  • The buying of more books than one can read is nothing less than the soul reaching toward infinity...

  • Even when reading is impossible, the presence of books acquired (by passionate devotion to them) produces such an ecstasy that the buying of more books than one can peradventure read is nothing less than the soul reaching towards infinity ... we cherish books even if unread, their mere presence exudes comfort, their ready access, reassurance.

  • I always thought the name of Utah’s major newspaper was some sort of weird misspelling of the word “desert.” But no, Deseret is the “land of the honeybee,” according to the Book of Mormon. I guess I should have figured they would have caught a typo in the masthead after 154 years.

  • Not just a timely movie, a great one...Timbuktu feels at once timely and permanent, immediate and essential.

  • Needless, heedless, wanton and deliberate injury of the sort inflicted by Life's picture story is not an essential instrument of responsible journalism.

  • the labors of the true critic are more essential to the author, even, than to the reader.

  • Strip it all down to essentials and draw the hell out of what's left.

  • Two important characteristics of maps should be noticed. A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.

  • Somewhere there is a map of how it can be done.