Exterior famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • You wouldn't want any creative process to lose its sense of fun and adventure, but that doesn't mean you can't take it seriously as well.

  • I can't think of a more pathetic situation for an actor than to do a film and not connect to it. And I pray to God that I never face that situation.

  • Great things only come with great effort.

  • I will see beauty and goodness in all things. From all that is unlovely shall my vision be immune.

  • American consumers are not saying they will not buy GMO foods. What they're saying is "I want to know. I want to know." EU consumers are much happier because they know what they're buying, and they've seen a continued increase in sales.

  • The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-trust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciples.

  • In my understanding of God I start with certain firm beliefs. One is that the laws of nature are not broken. We do not, of course, know all these laws yet, but I believe that such laws exist. I do not, therefore, believe in the literal truth of some miracles which are featured in the Christian Scriptures, such as the Virgin Birth or water into wine. ... God works, I believe, within natural laws, and, according to natural laws, these things happen.

  • When the truly great people discover that they have been deceived by the signposts along the road of life, they just shift gears and keep going.

  • I knew people were independently publishing, and I buy books on Amazon. I began seriously considering it when Amanda Hocking was in the news about her self-publishing success.

  • By constant dripping, water hollows stone, A signet-ring from use alone grows thin, And the curved plowshare by soft earth is worn.