Beatrice Lillie famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • My mum worked as a secretary for Christian Dior. She looked like a movie star.

  • I don't see Dior as something that could become mine. I see it as a dialogue with the women who wear it. I want to stay connected to them rather than to an abstract brand.

  • Why should I trust you? We haven't drunk from the same bowl of soup.

  • Let me also say I wanna make you sandwhiches, And soup, And peanut butter cookies, Though, the truth is peanutbutter is actually really bad for you 'cause they grow peanuts in old cotton fields to clean the toxins out of the soil, But hey, you like peanutbutter and I like you!

  • Tibby cried into her soup when it finally came. "I'm scared... ," she told it. The carrots and peas made no reply, but she felt better for having told them.

  • Of all the items on the menu, soup is that which exacts the most delicate perfection and the strictest attention.

  • How someone treats a waiter or doorman can tell you so much about a person.

  • I have tipped waiters, and I have been tipped by waiters.

  • I'd probably be famous now if I wasn't such a good waitress.

  • We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters