Mike Markkula famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • The butterflies I get are not if somebody boos me in the crowd, or somebody talks trash about me during the week, or somebody on ESPN rips me. It's the pressure that I'm putting on myself.

  • The creative life of the commercial photographer is like the life of a butterfly. Very seldom do we see a photographer who is really productive for more than eight or ten years.

  • You can be betrayed in your sleep. The whole world can tilt while you're dreaming of butterflies.

  • I'm just a butterfly, a mourning cloak, sealed inside a cocoon with blnd eyes and stiky wings. And suddenly I wonder if the cocoons sometimes do not open, if the butterfly inside is ever simply not strong enough to break through.

  • His lashes, fluttered like butterfly wings. "I could've made you happy, dove." "You did," I whispered

  • Change itself is what fascinates me. I am drawn, as a moth to the flame, by edge situations, by situations of metamorphosis.

  • I must confess it was very unexpected and I am very startled at my metamorphosis into a chemist.

  • In the nature of things, I must soon lose sight of this sense of constant metamorphosis whose limits bound our human life.

  • Shoes are the quickest way for women to achieve instant metamorphosis.

  • You can always be writer. It's not so much a metamorphosis as it is finding what you want.

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