Boris Karloff famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • Some people care too much. I think it's called love.

  • It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?

  • Now hollow fires burn out to black, And lights are guttering low: Square your shoulders, lift your pack And leave your friends and go.

  • When I was young I thought of friendship as a matter of total loyalty and unchanging preference and I was often disappointed. But as an adult I had come to see that it was more the refraction of some total faithfulness and joy of which we all had some primordial notion. The exchange of trust and the experience of understanding between two people was like a sign or witness to the possibilitity of eternal caring and understanding and communication.

  • I don't think life offers any greater experience than the joyful sense of recognition when one finds in a new acquaintance a real friend, or when an old relationship deepens into friendship, or when one finds an old friendship intact despite the passage of years and many absences.

  • The monster London laugh at me.

  • The ego is a fascinating monster.

  • Violence is never the right answer, unless used against heathens and monsters.

  • I'm a monster, you know. I'm one of the dangerous ones. No you aren't, he promised. Your one of us.

  • I don't particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding. No matter how much free day care you throw at women, babies are still time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness.