Michael Hirst famous quotes

Last updated: Jul 22, 2024

  • This is our high calling, to represent Christ, and act in His behalf, and in His character and spirit, under all circumstances and toward all men.

  • I'm involved in some action scenes, so they'll train me for that. I'll be working with my acting coach to prepare for my character.

  • I never really thought of myself as being an action hero or a leading man, or any of that. I'm a character actor.

  • The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. You can't learn anything from being perfect.

  • The interesting adults are always the school failures, the weird ones, the losers, the malcontents, this isn’t wishful thinking. It’s the rule.

  • It's difficult for me to feel that a solid page without the breakups of paragraphs can be interesting. I break mine up perhaps sooner than I should in terms of the usage of the English language.

  • Actors, we like stories, we like storytelling, we love being a part of the story, and if you give us a story that's interesting then we'll want to do it.

  • Typecasting is an interesting thing because, in a way, if you're good at something, you're going to work at that thing. In other ways, you constantly have to change people's opinion of you as one thing, especially if you want to play different roles. You have to shatter that image sometimes.

  • That's an interesting philosophical question. When your boner goes away, is that one gone... forever?

  • It's much more interesting to embrace who you really are rather than waste energy pretending to be someone else.