“If there are fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies on the table, I won't say no to those. Soy sauce is another one, even though it's awful - it's so high in sodium.”
Source : "Q and A with Volleyball Champion Misty May-Treanor". Interview with Alanna Nuñez, www.shape.com.
“My position as regards the monied interests can be put in a few words. In every civilized society property rights must be carefully safeguarded; ordinarily and in the great majority of cases, human rights and property rights are fundamentally and in the long run, identical; but when it clearly appears that there is a real conflict between them, human rights must have the upper hand; for property belongs to man and not man to property.”
“C++ is the best example of second-system effect since OS/360.”
“The community as a whole doesn't listen patiently to critics who adopt alternative viewpoints. Although the great lesson of history is that knowledge develops through the conflict of viewpoints.”
“We're going to put Hulu ahead of you, unless you pay up”
Source : "Closing Time for the Open Internet" by Tim Wu, www.newyorker.com. January 15, 2014.
“It shows a brave and resolute spirit not to be agitated in exciting circumstances.”
“I've just finished my next collection, Possible Side Effects, and I'm now working on a collection of holiday stories as well as a memoir about my relationship with my father.”
Source : "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“Doing an accent removes you from yourself and reminds you, every instant, that you're playing a part.”