Aging famous quotes
52 minutes ago
His students were hardly in a position to tell him when he was getting windy, and he had recently noticed, as most professors did after a while, that his lectures mysteriously seemed to be getting longer with time.
-- Aaron Elkins -
One's doing well if age improves even slightly one's capacity to hold on to that vital truism: "This too shall pass.
-- Alain de Botton -
The wrinklier the raisin, the sweeter the fruit.
-- Alan Tudyk -
We both grew into the people we wanted each other to be.
-- Alec Baldwin -
When you're young, you haven't the experience, when you're old you haven't the strength.
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves.
-- Amelia Barr -
The anti-aging advert that I would like to see is a baby covered in cream saying, 'Aah, I've used too much'
-- Andrew Bird -
If we could switch off the aging gene we would. There's no technology that we've had that we haven't used. We are in the capital of staying young forever.
-- Andrew Niccol -
As you grow older you realize that art has an enormous effect. It's frightening sometimes to think of the effect that we can have.
-- Andy Goldsworthy -
Time deals gently with me; and though I feel that I descend, the slope is easy ...
-- Anna Letitia Barbauld -
Getting old ain't for the faint of heart.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
At my age, any day above ground and vertical is a good day.
-- Anthony Hopkins -
I just don't want to die the same day Castro dies
-- Art Buchwald -
No one can keep from aging, but there is no need to grow old.
-- Art Linkletter -
We Have Medicalized Aging, and That Experiment Is Failing Us
-- Atul Gawande -
I'm the chief science officer of a foundation that works on the application of regenerative medicine to the problem of aging.
-- Aubrey de Grey -
Young men, listen to an old man to whom old men listened when he was young.
-- Augustus -
I am not afraid of aging, but more afraid of people's reactions to my aging.
-- Barbara Hershey -
The biggest surprise in a man's life is old age.
-- Ben Kingsley -
Fear not death for the sooner we die, the longer we shall be immortal.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
I figure I'm still good for painting until 95 or thereabouts.
-- Bern Will Brown -
A complete life may be one ending in so full an identification with the oneself that there is no self left to die.
-- Bernard Berenson -
Aging will create the music of the coming century.
-- Betty Friedan -
Age is of no importance unless you are a cheese.
-- Billie Burke -
Like a lot of fellows around here, I have a furniture problem. My chest has fallen into my drawers.
-- Billy Casper -
We run carelessly to the precipice, after we have put something before us to prevent us seeing it.
-- Blaise Pascal -
Your old road is rapidly aging. Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand, For the times they are a-changin'.
-- Bob Dylan -
The best anti-aging product is a great, natural-looking hair color, especially when youre graying.
-- Bobbi Brown -
You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.
-- Bonnie Prudden -
You want a bit of life before it's all over. It takes all the guilt away.
-- Brenda De Banzie -
Somewhere around twenty-five, bizarre becomes immature.
-- Bridget Fonda -
I have always felt that a woman has the right to treat the subject of her age with ambiguity until, perhaps, she passes into the realm of over ninety. Then it is better she be candid with herself and with the world.
-- Carl Sandburg -
There is no old age. There is, as there always was, just you.
-- Carol Grace -
What we've done, it seems to me, is allow women to get older, but not to age.
-- Caryl Rivers -
There's no such thing is aging, but maturing and knowledge. It's beautiful, I call that beauty.
-- Celine Dion -
I was born looking older - and I've been aging since I was a teenager.
-- Charles Durning -
I'd like to grow very old as slowly as possible.
-- Charles Lamb -
When old people speak it is not because of the sweetness of words in our mouths; it is because we see something which you do not see.
-- Chinua Achebe -
I'm talking about when you're nearer the end of your life than the beginning. Now what do you think you think about then? The future? In the future I'm going to do this? Become that? What future? No. What you think is, 'How will I be regarded in the end?'
-- Christopher Plummer -
I don't see my skin aging. I see my skin looking as good, or better, than it did ten years ago...and that makes me smile.
-- Cindy Crawford -
Am I aging? The pros and the cons? Well, you know a lot more, at least until the time you start forgetting it all. Actually, aging can be a fun process, to some degree.
-- Clint Eastwood -
Aging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it.
-- Clint Eastwood -
Old age, believe me, is a good and pleasant thing. It is true you are gently shouldered off the stage, but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator.
-- Confucius -
Aging gracefully is one thing, but trying to slow it down is another.
-- Courteney Cox -
Imagine that: If you could change one of the genes in an experiment, an aging gene, maybe you could slow down aging and extend lifespan.
-- Cynthia Kenyon -
If the aging process is controlled in a similar way in worms and humans, then we can use what we learn about worms to speed our study of higher organisms.
-- Cynthia Kenyon -
You don't get to decide your part in the school play, but you do get to decide whether or not you play it well.
-- Cynthia Lewis -
You can teach an old dog new tricks with the right kind of doggie treats.
-- Cynthia Lewis -
You can either keep peddling, get off the bike or fall over.
-- Cynthia Lewis -
I guess sometimes the past just catches up to you, whether you want it to or not.
-- Dabbs Greer -
If your heart has peace, nothing can disturb you.
-- Dalai Lama -
The brutal reality about aging is that it has only an accelerator pedal. We have yet to discover whether a brake exists for people.
-- Dan Buettner -
Contentment is the continuing act of accepting the process of your own life.
-- David Gerrold -
As scary as change can be and as much as I might resist it, there's always some unkown gift that comes out of it. I really never thought you could begin again. You can.
-- Debra Messing -
Even though all these obstacles keep coming at you, you just have to keep going through them. Because it's worth it to do something in your life, as opposed to fantasizing about doing something.
-- Diane Keaton -
Aging is out of your control. How you handle it, though, is in your hands.
-- Diane von Furstenberg -
About the time we get old enough to be as wicked as we want to be, we don't want to be so very wicked after all.
-- Don Herold -
He doesn't translate well into our generation.
-- Donald Sutherland -
This is a youth-oriented society, and the joke is on them because youth is a disease from which we all recover.
-- Dorothy Fuldheim -
The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.
-- Doug Larson -
The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.
-- Doug Larson -
In our heads we're all about 33 years old.
-- Douglas Coupland -
People do not retire. They are retired by others.
-- Duke Ellington -
Aging has a wonderful beauty and we should have respect for that.
-- Eartha Kitt -
If a thing is old, it is a sign that it was fit to live. The guarantee of continuity is quality.
-- Eddie Rickenbacker -
To be grown up is to sit at the table with people who have died, who neither listen nor speak ...
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay -
And why not do something new every day of your life? Change! Change!
-- Elaine Stritch -
I have not had any of that surgical stuff. I am too curious to find out exactly how I progress every day of my life naturally. That is what fascinates me.
-- Elaine Stritch -
This age thing is all up to you. It's like happiness is up to you. You just have to understand what it is before you get it.
-- Elaine Stritch -
In masks outrageous and austere The years go by in single file; But none has merited my fear, And none has quite escaped my smile.
-- Elinor Wylie -
The truth is, aging can be your realest opportunity to decide how best to live - and the best incentive for getting you to do just that.
-- Elizabeth Berg -
We are in a double bind. We are expected to feel inferior not only as women, but because we are old.
-- Elizabeth Janeway -
Instead of fixating on the physical aspects of aging, it's good to contemplate the deeper source of our anxiety. That can be liberating.
-- Elizabeth Lesser -
It's like you trade the virility of the body for the agility of the spirirt.
-- Elizabeth Lesser -
Everything gets old if you do it often enough.
-- Ellen Burstyn -
Someone said that life is a party. You join in after it's started and leave before it's finished.
-- Elsa Maxwell -
Old age comes on suddenly, and not gradually as is thought.
-- Emily Dickinson -
The trick is to age honestly and gracefully and make it look great, so that everyone looks forward to it.
-- Emma Thompson -
I'm excited about the aging process. I'm more interested in women who aren't perfect. They're more compelling.
-- Emma Watson -
I shall continue to explore-the astonishment of living.
-- Enid Bagnold -
The boomers will eventually have to accept that it is not possible to stay young forever or to stop aging. But it is possible by committing to show up for each others in community after community, to earn a measure of immortality.
-- Eric Liu -
Aging has been bad ever since we figured out it led to dying.
-- Erin McKean -
How are you managing to keep everyone from aging?†Celia asks after a while. “Very carefully,†Marco answers.
-- Erin Morgenstern -
Such to me is the new image of aging; growth in self, and service for all mankind.
-- Ethel Percy Andrus -
Aging is tedious, but it is the only way to live long.
-- Faina Ranevskaya -
But if the young are never tired of erring in conduct, neither are the older in erring of judgment.
-- Fanny Burney -
I think you have to relax about aging. What else can you do?
-- Felicity Kendal