Shame famous quotes
52 minutes ago
If you've never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame.
-- Adam Duritz -
Of all sweet passions Shame is the loveliest.
-- Alfred Douglas -
To say of shame - what is it? Of virtue - we can miss it; Of sin-we can kiss it, And it's no longer sin.
-- Algernon Charles Swinburne -
You cannot let your parents anywhere near your real humiliations.
-- Alice Munro -
I suppose that a lifetime spent hiding one's erotic truth could have a cumulative renunciatory effect. Sexual shame is in itself a kind of death.
-- Alison Bechdel -
There is no shame in not knowing something. The shame is in not being willing to learn.
-- Alison Croggon -
There's a huge cloud of shame around art and business being seen as bedfellows.
-- Amanda Palmer -
Shame is the lie someone told you about yourself.
-- Anais Nin -
There's an obsessive quality to it that I thought I would've grown out of by now. It's an ongoing source of shame for me.
-- Anne Hathaway -
I sat down in the sand, breathless with shame and failure. God, I thought, some defender of the weak. Some freedom fighter: Joan of Arc in sunscreen.
-- Anne Lamott -
Patriotism demands the ability to feel shame as much as to feel pride.
-- Anne-Marie Slaughter -
Shame is an ornament to the young; a disgrace to the old.
-- Aristotle -
The high-minded man is fond of conferring benefits, but it shames him to receive them.
-- Aristotle -
This was not guilt: guilt is what you feel when you have done something wrong. What I felt was shame: I was what was wrong.
-- Atul Gawande -
Childhood is what ended me up in the hospital and teetering on the edge of deathly alcoholism. It was really good for me to accept it. To accept all the embarrassment and the shame so I don't feel like I used to.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
There is no shame in being hungry for another person. There is no shame in wanting very much to share your life with somebody.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
Are you one of those people who says on a first date, 'I'm really not in a hurry to meet somebody, I figure if it happens, it happens'? Because those are the most desperate people of all. I'm just saying this so that if you are this person, you aren't hiding it from anybody. There is no shame in being hungry for another person. There is no shame in wanting very much to share your life with somebody.
-- Augusten Burroughs -
Shame produces trauma. Trauma produces paralysis.
-- Bell Hooks -
Shaming is one of the deepest tools of imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy because shame produces trauma and trauma often produces paralysis.
-- Bell Hooks -
Where guilty is, rage and courage doth abound.
-- Ben Jonson -
Having been poor is no shame, but being ashamed of it, is.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Whoever despiseth shame, despiseth sin.
-- Benjamin Whichcote -
There is no shame like poor shame. It can make you warm and charming, bitter and resentful, all at once.
-- Beth Ditto -
When I was a boy if a girl got pregnant the shame was placed on her and the boy could get away.
-- Bill Cosby -
Guilt is about something you do. Shame is about who you are.
-- Bill Konigsberg -
You know what, rip me off once, shame on me. But twice? I'm coming after you and taking back what's mine
-- Billy Mays -
There is no Levitical decree between nations, and on this occasion I can see neither sin nor shame in marrying our own sister.
-- Boyle Roche -
I'm a last-minute shopper. I end up at the mall or somewhere on Christmas Eve. It's a shame.
-- Brad Paisley -
Your shame will be your torture, and your torture will be your life. I wish it long.
-- Brad Pitt -
Shame derives its power from being unspeakable.
-- Brené Brown -
Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.
-- Brené Brown -
Shame cannot survive being spoken. It cannot survive empathy.
-- Brené Brown -
You cannot shame or belittle people into changing their behaviors.
-- Brené Brown -
We cannot grow when we are in shame, and we can't use shame to change ourselves or others.
-- Brené Brown -
Everyone in daily life carries such a heavy mixed burden on his own conscience that he is reluctant to penalize those who have been caught.
-- Brooks Atkinson -
I am a woman and a woman of Africa. I am a daughter of Nigeria and if she is in shame, I shall stayand mourn with her in shame.
-- Buchi Emecheta -
I didn't fight or shame my thoughts, I questioned them, and they stopped shaming me.
-- Byron Katie -
You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve," said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth. Be content.
-- C. S. Lewis -
I could not but wonder at the queen's unprecedented civility, until I realized with a flush of shame that it was my own improved behavior that motivated hers. So it is that we in life determine our own treatment.
-- Catherine Gilbert Murdock -
Men the most infamous are fond of fame, And those who fear not guilt yet start at shame.
-- Charles Churchill -
The bold defiance of a woman is the certain sign of her shame, - when she has once ceased to blush, it is because she has too much to blush for.
-- Charles Maurice de Talleyrand -
For the most part fraud in the end secures for its companions repentance and shame.
-- Charles Simmons -
Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she isa woman.
-- Clement of Alexandria -
To be fond of learning is near to wisdom; to practice with vigor is near to benevolence; and to be conscious of shame is near to fortitude.
-- Confucius -
Shame is always easier to handle if you have someone to share it with.
-- Craig Thompson -
The revolt against one's environment is usually 'shame' of one's environment.
-- Czeslaw Milosz -
I don’t have any problem doing anything. The secret is I have no shame.
-- Dakota Johnson -
I write about African women, that's really my topic. I have no shame or qualm in it because it's a very underrepresented topic, which is part of the reason I started to write.
-- Danai Gurira -
That's the weird thing about not being married - you can't get regular kissing; you can't be guaranteed of it, and that's a great shame.
-- Dawn French -
For a brief, weird minute I felt like Dorothy in Oz, walking down the street with Terric the doubtful, Shame the brainless, and heartless Zay.
-- Devon Monk -
I have really sinned. I am going to pause now, and sit here on the mound repenting in deepest shame...
-- Dodie Smith -
If you can steal from your competition, then they deserve to lose it. If someone steals from you, then shame on deserve it. Same goes for employees too.
-- Don Farrell -
I fell into shame like a suicide throws herself into a river. (253)
-- Dorothy Allison -
It is a most disgraceful shame the way in which Irishmen are brought up. They are ashamed of their language, institutions, and of everything Irish.
-- Douglas Hyde -
Shame is one of the greatest aphrodisiacs in the world, anyway, built into religion.
-- Dylan Moran -
What a shame it is for a nation to be developing without a sense of beauty, and eating bananas for breakfast.
-- Edith Wharton -
One, Andrew Carnegie said, ‘He who dies with wealth dies in shame.’ And someone once said, ‘He who gives while he lives also knows where it goes.’
-- Eli Broad -
So I say, if you are burning, burn. If you can stand it, the shame will burn away and leave you shining, radiant, and righteously shameless
-- Elizabeth Cunningham -
Thy pride is but the prologue of thy shame; where vain-glory commands, there folly counsels; where pride rides, there shame lackeys.
-- Francis Quarles -
Women singly do a good deal of harm. Women in bulk are chastening.
-- Frank Moore Colby -
Gary Shaw says a lot of things without engaging his brain sometimes and it's a great shame, because he's not a bad chap actually.
-- Frank Warren -
It's a shame because we experienced probably the greatest thing - in art, in pop - we'll ever do. And it would be good to sit around and talk about it.
-- Gary Kemp -
Awareness, not deprivation, informs what you eat. Presence, not shame, changes how you see yourself and what you rely on.
-- Geneen Roth -
The guilty think all talk is of themselves.
-- Geoffrey Chaucer -
To others, being wrong is a source of shame; to me, recognizing my mistakes is a source of pride.
-- George Soros -
Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
-- George W. Bush -
If you do not leave this pasturage, Saladin will come and attack you here. And if you retreat from this attack the shame and reproach will be very great.
-- Gerard de Ridefort -
The shame of being a man - is there any better reason to write?
-- Gilles Deleuze -
There should be no shame in admitting to a mistake; after all, we really are only admitting that we are now wiser than we once were.
-- Greg McKeown -
Guilt has very quick ears to an accusation.
-- Henry Fielding -
Fools through false shame, conceal their open wounds.
-- Horace -
The shame of fools conceals their open wounds. [Lat., Stultorum incurata malus pudor ulcera celat.]
-- Horace -
It is the false shame of fools to try to conceal wounds that have not healed.
-- Horace -
Find you, love you, marry you, and live without shame.
-- Ian Mcewan -
The decline of manners, the cynical pursuit without shame or restraint of personal advantage and of money characterizes our times, not without exceptions, of course, but more than we ought to be comfortable with.
-- J. Irwin Miller -
If man had a sense of proportion, he would die of shame.
-- J. M. Ledgard -
Among the problems with shame was that it in fact did not make you shorter or quieter or less visible. You just felt like you were.
-- J.R. Ward -
It's such a shame that people are so much more worried about being right than being decent.
-- Jack Hunter -
Never let anyone shame you into doing anything you don't choose to do. Keep your identity.
-- Jacqueline Susann -
Shame, isn’t it? That we only like our heroes out in the street when they are looking their best and their uniforms are ‘spit and polished,’ and not when they’re showing us the wounds they suffered on our behalf.
-- Jacqueline Winspear -
All violence is an attempt to replace shame with self-esteem.
-- James Gilligan -
A diagnosis is burden enough without being burdened by secrecy and shame.
-- Jane Pauley -
For some reason, I was born without a sense of embarrassment or shame.
-- Jason Segel -
Love isn't meant to be hidden away and life is too short for shame.
-- Jay Bell -
The glory of my name increases my shame. Less known by mortals, I could better escape their eyes.
-- Jean Racine -
It's a shame to call somebody a 'diva' simply because they work harder than everybody else.
-- Jennifer Lopez -
I kept getting high to kill my shame at the fact that I kept getting high.
-- Jerry Stahl -
Screw us once, shame on them; screw us twice, shame on us.
-- Jessica Zafra