Protection famous quotes
52 minutes ago
He who prays five times a day is in the protection of God, and he who is protected by God cannot be harmed by anyone.
-- Abu Bakr -
Every individual of the community at large has an equal right to the protection of government.
-- Alexander Hamilton -
POLICE, n. An armed force for protection and participation.
-- Ambrose Bierce -
willingness to explore everything is a sign of strength. The weak ones have prejudices. Prejudices are a protection.
-- Anais Nin -
Nato allies have been looking at various missile-defence options for some time. Nato itself is developing protections for our deployed troops.
-- Anders Fogh Rasmussen -
We are in a crisis today because the practical consensus between the left and the right, linking economic efficiency with social protection, has broken down
-- Andre Glucksmann -
When the 14th Amendment, equal protection clause was enacted, the galleries in the Senate were segregated. Now we have integration.
-- Arlen Specter -
The true measure of the justice of a system is the amount of protection it guarantees to the weakest.
-- Aung San Suu Kyi -
Why is it that loving something provides such little protection from betrayal?
-- Ayelet Waldman -
The harshest tyranny is that which acts under the protection of legality and the banner of justice.
-- Baron de Montesquieu -
To tax the community for the advantage of a class is not protection: it is plunder.
-- Benjamin Disraeli -
Those who would trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither.
-- Benjamin Franklin -
Discipline means protection from one's own wanton interest.
-- Bill Vaughan -
Al Qaeda doesn't abide by the Geneva Conventions, so in my opinion, they should not be afforded the protections of them.
-- Brad Thor -
I just wore a cage my whole career coming up, and didn't feel a reason not to have some type of protection.
-- Brian Leetch -
I just don't think there's a sunscreen that gives you enough protection.
-- Brooke Burke -
Am I to understand,' said Reepicheep to Lucy after a long stare at Eustace, 'That this singularly discourteous person is under your Majesty's protection? Because, if not--
-- C. S. Lewis -
I think its time to get a reapportionment process that frankly takes out the incumbency protection and the raw politics of the process.
-- Carol Moseley Braun -
There is no proportional representation requirement in the Equal Protection Clause
-- Cass Sunstein -
Peace is a virgin who dare not show her face without Strength, her father, for protection.
-- Charles Lindbergh -
A good deal of tyranny goes by the name of protection.
-- Crystal Eastman -
I can write a program that lets you break the copy protection on a music file. But I can't write a program that solders new connections onto a chip for you.
-- Dan Farmer -
Over and over, we hear politicians say they can't spend our tax dollars on environmental protection when the economy is so fragile.
-- David Suzuki -
It seems to me,’ said Philippa prosaically, ‘that on the whole we run more risks with Mr Crawford’s protection than without it.
-- Dorothy Dunnett -
I think there are problems with compact disc copy protection that can't be resolved.
-- Edward Felten -
I've had to come to grips with a God that fits my own experience, which is, my God could not be offering protection and not have protected my boy.
-- Elizabeth Edwards -
You have to get beyond the barrier of self-protection before you can really fly.
-- Elizabeth Streb -
To have faith in Divine protection is good, but even beter if backed by the pratical assistance heaven has a right to expect from sensible mortals.
-- Ellis Peters -
A cold heart is my protection mechanism. I don't really feel anything for anyone.
-- Emmanuel Jal -
Cocooning is about insulation and avoidance, peace and protection, coziness and control - a sort of hyper-nesting.
-- Faith Popcorn -
The Eucharist engages us unreservedly; it is a pact of love, an alliance signed in the deeper recesses of our being. All our potentialities are called upon to warrant the protection and fulfillment of this pact.
-- Francois Mauriac -
Slavery, protection, and monopoly find defenders, not only in those who profit by them, but in those who suffer by them.
-- Frederic Bastiat -
Through interpretation, understanding; through understanding, appreciation; through appreciation, protection.
-- Freeman Tilden -
I've always been partial to the image of liquor as lubrication, a layer of protection from all the sharp thoughts in your head.
-- Gillian Flynn -
Here's your protection for whatever comes: Find something to be happy about every day, and every hour if possible, moment-to-moment, even if only for a few minutes.
-- Gregg Braden -
Don't ask what global climate protection can do for your country; ask what your country can do for climate protection.
-- Hans Joachim Schellnhuber -
The love and protection of the Holy Spirit are with you in all spiritual concerns.
-- Harold Klemp -
It will be said, however, that protection tends to destroy commerce, the civilizer of mankind. Directly the reverse, however, is the fact.
-- Henry Charles Carey -
In 1833, protection was abandoned, and a tariff was established by which it was provided that we should, in a few years, have a system of merely revenue duties.
-- Henry Charles Carey -
The power of hiding ourselves from one another is mercifully given, for men are wild beasts, and would devour one another but for this protection.
-- Henry Ward Beecher -
We do need to have a little bit more protection and sensibility around pensioners. They are remarkable. They gave so much. We need to make sure we do our best by them.
-- Iain Duncan Smith -
You don't help your enterprise with a policy of protection.
-- Jacques Santer -
The Kurdish people welcome the no-fly zone protection, contrary to the Iraqi regime that is against it.
-- Jalal Talabani -
If we fail to act, we will end up with a different planet.
-- James Hansen -
Our language, one of our most precious natural resources, deserves at least as much protection as our woodlands, streams and whooping cranes.
-- James Lipton -
The personal right to acquire property, which is a natural right, gives to property, when acquired, a right to protection, as a social right.
-- James Madison -
Civil union is less than marriage. Marriage is a sacred and valued institution and ought to be afforded equal protection.
-- James McGreevey -
In conditions of uncertainty, humans, like other animals, herd together for protection.
-- James Surowiecki -
I support the protection of life from conception to natural death. But a natural death for a murderer is a death on the gallows.
-- Janusz Korwin-Mikke -
The only good place for a sage grouse to be listed is on the menu of a French bistro. It does not deserve federal protection, period.
-- Jason Chaffetz -
Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being? The time will come when humanity will extend its mantle over everything which breathes ...
-- Jeremy Bentham -
It's not the tales of Stephen King that I've read, I need protection from the things in my head . . .
-- Jimmy Buffett -
We must always keep in mind all legitimate authority is from God, and is given for protection, provision, and peace.
-- John Bevere -
Property is in its nature timid and seeks protection, and nothing is more gratifying to government than to become a protector.
-- John C. Calhoun -
Protection and patriotism are reciprocal.
-- John C. Calhoun -
Pessimism: A valuable protection against quackery.
-- John Ralston Saul -
Rights are a protection from society. But only by fulfilling their obligations to society can the individual give meaning to that protection. (V - From Ideology Towards Equilibrium)
-- John Ralston Saul -
I am willing to admit that if the agriculturists are oppressed by peculiar burdens, they ought to be relieved from them, or be allowed a fair and just protection equivalent to all such peculiar burdens.
-- Joseph Hume -
The First Amendment was not intended to withdraw the Christian religion as a whole from the protection of Congress.
-- Joseph Story -
It's totally mistaken to suppose that an armed escort is going to give a journalist any protection - on the contrary, journalists who turn up surrounded by armed personnel are just turning themselves into targets and in even worse danger.
-- Kate Adie -
Convention is like the shell to the chick, a protection till he is strong enough to break it through.
-- Learned Hand -
Legislation has been and is still directed towards the protection of wealth, rather than towards the far more important interests of labor on which everything of value to mankind depends.
-- Leland Stanford -
Americans continue to rapidly homogenize ourselves into a neutered oblivion. For a country founded on the protection of the unique, we relish our sameness.
-- Lewis Black -
Is any blogger out there saying anything—do they deserve First Amendment protection? These are the issues of our times.
-- Lindsey Graham -
Why did the Apostrophe Protection Society not have a militant wing? Could I start one? Where do you get balaclavas?
-- Lynne Truss -
One is responsible for one's own life. Passivity provides no protection.
-- Madeleine M. Kunin -
Our success educationally, industrially and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa.
-- Marcus Garvey -
The multitude of fools is a protection to the wise.
-- Marcus Tullius Cicero -
the private conscience is the last and only protection of the civilized world.
-- Martha Gellhorn -
We must have our freedom now. We must have the right to vote. We must have equal protection of the law.
-- Martin Luther King, Jr. -
There are certain standards, like the protection of minorities and the improvement in their lives that have to be improved now.
-- Martti Ahtisaari -
Often, a school is your best bet-perhaps not for education but certainly for protection from an undead attack.
-- Max Brooks -
With so much protection, wouldn't one be able to wander among the undead ranks, taunting them at will with no danger of repercussion?
-- Max Brooks -
A man with convictions finds an answer for everything. Convictions are the best form of protection against the living truth.
-- Max Frisch -
The takings clause of the Fifth Amendment is for conservatives what the equal protection clause of the 14th is for liberals.
-- Michael Kinsley -
Slowly but surely, the U.S. military is being converted into a global oil-protection service.
-- Michael Klare -
I constantly looked for motherly protection.
-- Michael Reagan -
The goal is to normalize trade relations based on sound science and consumer protection.
-- Mike Johanns -
The law is the only sure protection of the weak, and the only efficient restraint upon the strong.
-- Millard Fillmore -
This kid came up with Napster, and before that, none of us thought of content protection.
-- Morgan Freeman -
The imagination is a pretty precious source of protection.
-- Nicholas Ray -
He who disguises tyranny, protection, or even benefits under the air and name of friendship reminds me of the guilty priest who poisoned the sacramental bread.
-- Nicolas Chamfort -
My to promote the protection, rights and welfare of children...
-- Olara Otunnu -
But now Americans, they felt a sense of peace and protection because they've been separated by so many thousands of miles of ocean. And you know, the fact that it's come to the U.S. like this is so sad, and yet you know, what can you do? It's here.
-- Patty Hearst -
One of your greatest protections against making bad choices is to not put on any mask of anonymity.
-- Quentin L. Cook -
I have felt an urgency to counsel each of us to seek the higher ground---the refuge and eternal protection of the temple.
-- Quentin L. Cook -
In the area of species protection, we should concern ourselves with what is right as opposed to what might be easier, or popular in the short term.
-- Richard Leakey -
To Serve and Protect..."- Traditional Motto of Protection Rackets
-- Robert Asprin -
Arizona presents no specific reason for excepting capital defendants from the constitutional protections extended to defendants generally, and none is readily apparent.
-- Ruth Bader Ginsburg -
What is most needed in Darfur is an international peacekeeping and protection presence, and this is what the Sudanese government most wants to avoid.
-- Samantha Power -
We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid and protection
-- Samuel Adams -
woman must not depend on the protection of man, but must learn to protect herself
-- Susan Beth Pfeffer -
Worship strengthens you. It gives you a sense of God's presence and ultimately His protection and provision.
-- T. D. Jakes -
There is no protection against the kinds of influences that are loose in a society that tolerates pornography.
-- Ted Bundy -
We will send ships and Marines as soon as possible for the protection of American life and property.
-- Theodore Roosevelt -
In 1997, the National Bankruptcy Review Commission recommended that chapter 12 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code, the chapter that contains bankruptcy protection for family farmers, be made permanent.
-- Tim Holden