Moving famous quotes
52 minutes ago
An automobile has about 10,000 moving parts, right? An airplane has two million, and it has to stay up in the air.
-- Alan Mulally -
Our god is the thing, or person, which we think most precious, for whom we would make the greatest sacrifice, and who moves our heart with the warmest love. He is the person or thing that if lost would leave us desolate.
-- Alan Redpath -
I have every sympathy for writers. It's a mystery to me what they do. I can edit. I can cross out and say, 'I'm not saying that' or, 'How about we move this to here? Wouldn't that make that bit of the story better?' But where any of it comes from is beyond me. I will never write a play or a novel.
-- Alan Rickman -
Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHT and knowledge, and by learning the lessons that are acculated along the way. We become each and every piece within the game called life!
-- Alan Rufus -
Note to Self - Thoughts design my energy! My thoughts WILL design the energy that moves me!
-- Alan Rufus -
Main thing is to publish. Blog, tweet, write, photograph, tweet, video, code, play around with data - or a combination of all of the above. a) it will keep your journalistic ‘muscle’ in practice. b) if you’re any good, you’ll get noticed. And bear in mind you can do these things at other places than conventional news organisations. Many businesses, NGOs, arts organisations, public bodies, universities, etc are now publishers of extremely high quality stuff. Good places to practise your craft before moving on
-- Alan Rusbridger -
You should think about nobody and go your own way, not on a course marked out for you by people holding mugs of water and bottles of iodine in case you fall and cut yourself so that they can pick you up - even if you want to stay where you are - and get you moving again.
-- Alan Sillitoe -
I am not very impressed with theological arguments whatever they may be used to support. Such arguments have often been found unsatisfactory in the past. In the time of Galileo it was argued that the texts, 'And the sun stood still... and hasted not to go down about a whole day' (Joshua x. 13) and 'He laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not move at any time' (Psalm cv. 5) were an adequate refutation of the Copernican theory.
-- Alan Turing -
This is definitely a reality check for us, we've just got to learn from this and move on.
-- Alan W. Black -
There is only this now. It does not come from anywhere; it is not going anywhere. It is not permanent, but it is not impermanent. Though moving, it is always still. When we try to catch it, it seems to run away, and yet it is always here and there is no escape from it. And when we turn around to find the self which knows this moment, we find that it has vanished like the past.
-- Alan Watts -
For every individual is a unique manifestation of the Whole, as every branch is a particular outreaching of the tree. To manifest individuality, every branch must have a sensitive connection with the tree, just as our independently moving and differentiated fingers must have a sensitive connection with the whole body. The point, which can hardly be repeated too often, is that differentiation is not separation.
-- Alan Watts -
To know that you are God is another way of saying that you feel completely with this universe. You feel profoundly rooted in it and connected with it. You feel, in other words, that the whole energy, which expresses itself in the galaxies, is intimate. It is not something to which you are a stranger, but it is that with which you, whatever it is, are intimately bound up. That in your seeing, your hearing, your talking, your thinking, your moving, you express that which it is that moves the sun and other stars.
-- Alan Watts -
We're willing to move pretty far on this issue, we're much more tolerant than we used to be, but don't mix it up with religion and God.
-- Alan Wolfe -
Being friends with anyone for 30 years is no easy task - people change, they drift apart, they move on.
-- Alana Stewart -
Individuals inherit a particular space within an interlocking set of social relationships; lacking that space, they are nobody, or at best a stranger or an outcast. To know oneself as such a social person is however not to occupy a static and fixed position. It is to find oneself placed at a certain point on a journey with set goals; to move through life is to make progress - or to fail to make progress - toward a given end.
-- Alasdair MacIntyre -
I certainly can't complain. I work six days a week, if not seven, and eighteen hours out of twenty-four - fortunately, with a great deal of pleasure. Why? Because I only do something if I want to do it; I need to feel a desire, to find pleasure in moving forward, creating, moving, inventing.
-- Alber Elbaz -
Fashion is like life. It needs fear and uncertainty if you are to move forward.
-- Alber Elbaz -
What is beautiful for you may not be beautiful to someone else. Or whatever is beautiful here may not be beautiful there and what is sometimes beautiful today is not necessarily beautiful tomorrow. Perhaps this is the story of fashion and what makes it move forward, the fact that there is no decision whatsoever with what’s wrong.
-- Alber Elbaz -
On the ridge where the great artist moves forward, every step is an adventure, an extreme risk. In that risk, however, and only there, lays the freedom of Art.
-- Albert Camus -
He knew now that it was his own will to happiness which must make the next move. But if he was to do so, he realized that he must come to terms with time, that to have time was at once the most magnificent and the most dangerous of experiments. Idleness is fatal only to the mediocre.
-- Albert Camus -
There are moments when one feels free from one's own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable; life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only Being.
-- Albert Einstein -
People are like bicycles. They can keep their balance only as long as they keep moving.
-- Albert Einstein -
You can move through life seeing nothing as a miracle, or seeing everything as a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein -
It takes a touch of genius-and a lot of Courage-to move in the opposite direction.
-- Albert Einstein -
Nothing happens until something moves. When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it. Everything is connected.
-- Albert Einstein -
Persistence is the most powerful force on earth, it can move mountains.
-- Albert Einstein -
And we will move forward to our work, not howling out regrets like slaves whipped to their burdens, but with gratitude for a task worthy of our strength, and thanksgiving to Almighty God that He has marked us as His chosen people, henceforth to lead in the regeneration of the world.
-- Albert J. Beveridge -
The State always moves slowly and grudgingly towards any purpose that accrues to society's advantage, but moves rapidly and with alacrity towards one that accrues to its own advantage; nor does it ever move towards social purposes on its own initiative, but only under heavy pressure, while its motion towards anti-social purposes is self-sprung.
-- Albert J. Nock -
In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.
-- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi -
We must move away from our dependency on fossil fuels, and I am glad that GM has invested over $1 billion in hydrogen fuel cells cars to meet this goal.
-- Albert Wynn -
Nothing moves except my eyes and my hand occasionally turning a page, and yet something not exactly defined by the word "text" unfurls, progresses, grows and takes root as I read. But how does this process take place?
-- Alberto Manguel -
Villages and woods, meadows and chateaux, pass across the moving scene, out of which the whistling of locomotives throws sharp notes. These faint, piercing sounds, together with the yelping and barking of dogs, are the only noises that reach one through the depths of the upper air. The human voice cannot mount up into these boundless solitudes. Human beings look like ants along the white lines that are highways; and the rows of houses look like children's playthings.
-- Alberto Santos-Dumont -
Before you can move in new directions, you must first let go of what's not working for you.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
If your faith in reality is based on the belief that time moves in one direction only, the foundation of your faith will be shattered by the experience of the future.
-- Alberto Villoldo -
Two-hundred forty horsepower isn't enough to move me anymore. Enough to move my body, yes, but not my soul.
-- Albie Sachs -
Moreover, I want us to urge political and religious leaders, and all peoples of the world, to move forward in a conciliatory spirit, to deal with religious matters in a responsible and balanced way, and to focus on their common grounds.
-- Alcee Hastings -
Men can be attracted but not forced to the faith. You may drive people to baptism, (but) you won't move them one step further in religion.
-- Alcuin -
I probably have to move out of New York. I just can’t live in New York anymore.
-- Alec Baldwin -
There is a case, and a strong case, for that particular form of indolence that allows us to move through life knowing only what immediately concerns us.
-- Alec Waugh -
I wanted us to share the sense that the number of wrong moves far exceeds the number of good moves, to share the frightening instability of the correct decision, to bond in being confounded.
-- Aleksandar Hemon -
Following the Second World War, we are a country of one ethnicity. After the moving of the borders, after the tragedy of the Holocaust and the murder of Polish Jews, we don't have large minority groups.
-- Aleksander Kwasniewski -
I tell the players that the bus is moving. This club has to progress. And the bus wouldn't wait for them. I tell them to get on board.
-- Alex Ferguson -
Those who do not know how to see the precious things in life will never be happy.
-- Alex Flinn -
Whites already know blacks are stupid, violent, destructive apelike creatures. That is why Whites move away from them -- always.
-- Alex Linder -
We should think of a photographer as a Samurai who makes rituals, moves and gestures in order to develop his techniques and his instinct.
-- Alex Majoli -
I can be a horrible actor, but I make a move that makes a money I'm secured a job.
-- Alex Meraz -
I think the worst reaction that I could get from someone to my photos is some sort of mediocre, middle-range reaction where they really get nothing from it, and they want to move on to the next thing. [I'd rather they be] horrified, pissed off at me, extremely disgusted at how bad of an artist I am.
-- Alex Prager -
We intend to lead a government of purpose and direction so that we can offer the people of this nation the opportunity to move forward to independence, democracy and equality.
-- Alex Salmond -
Deep walkability describes a city that is built in such a way that you can move from one area to another on foot, on bicycle, on transit and have an experience that remains a pleasant one, that you feel you are welcome not just in the neighborhood but moving between neighborhoods.
-- Alex Steffen -
When asked, -How is that you pick better moves than your opponents?, I responded: I'm very glad you asked me that, because, as it happens, there is a very simple answer. I think up my own moves, and I make my opponent think up his
-- Alexander Alekhine -
Something there is moves me to love, and I Do know I love, but know not how, nor why.
-- Alexander Brome -
To most people who look at a mobile, it's no more than a series of flat objects that move. To a few, though, it may be poetry.
-- Alexander Calder -
The underlying sense of form in my work has been the system of the Universe, or part thereof...What I mean is that the idea of detached bodies floating in space, of different sizes and densities, perhaps of different colors and temperatures, and surrounded and interlarded with wisps of gaseous condition, and some at rest, while others move in peculiar manners, seems to me the ideal source of form.
-- Alexander Calder -
A mobile is an abstract sculpture made chiefly out of sheet metal, steel rods, wire and wood. Some or all of these elements move, propelled by electric motors, wind, water or by hand.
-- Alexander Calder -
A different image came to me a few weeks ago.The unknown thing to be known appeared to me as some stretch of earth orhard marl, resisting penetration the sea advances insensibly insilence, nothing seems to happen, nothing moves, the water is sofar off you hardly hear it yet it finally surrounds the resistantsubstance.
-- Alexander Grothendieck -
You will already have noticed how often Capablanca repeated moves, often returning to positions which he had had before. This is not lack of deciciveness or slowness, but the employment of a basic endgame principle which is 'Do not hurry'.
-- Alexander Kotov -
Sit there for five hours? Certainly not! A player must walk about between moves, it helps his thinking.
-- Alexander Kotov -
When you have finished analyzing all the variations and gone along all the branches of the tree of analysis you must first of all write the move down on your score sheet, before you play it.
-- Alexander Kotov -
If your opponent is short (on time), play just as you played earlier in the game. If you are short keep calm, I repeat, don't get flustered. Keep up the same neat writing of the moves, the same methodical examination of variations, but at a quicker rate.
-- Alexander Kotov -
All candidate moves should be identified at once and listed in one's head. This job cannot be done piecemeal, by first examining one move and then look at another.
-- Alexander Kotov -
Once there is the slightest suggestion of combinational possibilities on the board, look for unusual moves. Apart from making your play creative and interesting it will help you to get better results.
-- Alexander Kotov -
If you can play the first ten or fifteen moves in just as many minutes, you can be in a state of bliss for the rest of the game. If, on the other hand, Bronstein thinks for forty minutes about his first move, then time trouble is inevitable.
-- Alexander Kotov -
I soon realized that it is not enough for a master simply to analyse variations scrupulously just like an accountant. He must learn to work out which particular moves he should consider and then examine just as many variations as necessary - no more and no less.
-- Alexander Kotov -
I can remember a case where Capablanca worked out an impressive combination, but then chose to make a simple move in answer to which his opponent resigned at once!
-- Alexander Kotov -
A person who doesn't breathe deeply reduces the life of his body. If he doesn't move freely, he restricts the life of his body. If he doesn't feel fully, he narrows the life of his body. And if his self-expression is constricted, he limits the life of his body.
-- Alexander Lowen -
I could never be a part of an adaptation of a film where there's pressure to not disappoint the immense fan base. In those cases, they often wind up with filmed books on tape, quite uncinematic. Having said that, I'd say all the adaptations I've done are quite faithful to the original. You have to pick and choose which storylines and plot threads, because you don't have the time to kill in the film as they have in novels. All those pages with detours and plots and different storylines. But films add a lot, and you gotta keep it moving.
-- Alexander Payne -
True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, as those who move easiest have learned to dance.
-- Alexander Pope -
But would you sing, and rival Orpheus' strain. The wond'ring forests soon should dance again; The moving mountains hear the powerful call. And headlong streams hand listening in their fall!
-- Alexander Pope -
Not half so swift the trembling doves can fly, When the fierce eagle cleaves the liquid sky; Not half so swiftly the fierce eagle moves, When thro' the clouds he drives the trembling doves.
-- Alexander Pope -
A perfect Judge will read each work of Wit With the same spirit that its author writ: Survey the Whole, nor seek slight faults to find Where nature moves, and rapture warms the mind.
-- Alexander Pope -
Youths of the Pellaians and of the Macedonians and of the Hellenic Amphictiony and of the Lakedaimonians and of the Corinthians... and of all the Hellenic peoples, join your fellow-soldiers and entrust yourselves to me, so that we can move against the barbarians and liberate ourselves from the Persian bondage, for as Greeks we should not be slaves to barbarians.
-- Alexander the Great -
A lot of designers get caught up in the creativity, but you've got to think about the legs of your collection - essentially, how the line is going to move forward.
-- Alexander Wang -
It's hard sometimes to take a step back and realize what's happened because you're always trying to move forward. You're always looking at the next palette.
-- Alexander Wang -
I hit the ball early and move my wrist a lot, so I get bigger angles.
-- Alexandr Dolgopolov -
But part of surviving is being able to move on.
-- Alexandra Bracken -
Food is ever-changing and ever moving forward and getting more and more complex.
-- Alexandra Guarnaschelli -
Life doesn't hang around, it keeps moving and if you don't keep up you can lose things.
-- Alexandra Potter -
In contrast to the knowledge that keeps man in a passive quietude, Desire dis-quiets him and moves him to action. Born of Desire, action tends to satisfy it, and can do so only by the 'negation,' the destruction or at least the transformation, of the desired object: to satisfy hunger, for example, the food must be destroyed or, in any case, transformed. Thus all action is 'negating'.
-- Alexandre Kojeve -
What struck me most was the silence. It was a great silence, unlike any I have encountered on Earth, so vast and deep that I began to hear my own body: my heart beating, my blood vessels pulsing, even the rustle of my muscles moving over each other seemed audible. There were more stars in the sky than I had expected. The sky was deep black, yet at the same time bright with sunlight.
-- Alexey Leonov -
I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all.
-- Alexis de Tocqueville -
Each time I visit such a classroom, where the teacher is more interested in creating a democratic community than in maintaining her position of authority, I’m convinced all over again that moving away from consequences and rewards isn’t just realistic - it’s the best way to help kids grow into good learners and good people.
-- Alfie Kohn -
Unconditional parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason
-- Alfie Kohn -
Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress.
-- Alfred Armand Montapert -
Never did form more fairy thread the dance Than she who scours the hills to find it flowers; Never did sweeter lips chained ears entrance Than hers that move, true to its striking hours; No hands so white e'er decked the warrior's lance, As those which tend its lamp as darkness lours; And never since dear Christ expired for man, Had holy shrine so fair a sacristan.
-- Alfred Austin -
Don't ask the world to stop moving because you have doubts.
-- Alfred Bester -
There's got to be more to life than just living," Foyle said to the robot. Then find it for yourself, sir. Don't ask the world to stop moving because you have doubts." Why can't we all move forward together?" Because you're all different. You're not lemmings. Some must lead, and hope that the rest will follow." Who leads?" The men who must...driven men, compelled men." Freak men." You're all freaks, sir. But you always have been freaks. Life is a freak. That's its hope and glory.
-- Alfred Bester -
In his larger forms, Schubert is a wanderer. He likes to move at the edge of the precipice, and does so with the assurance of a sleepwalker. To wander is the Romantic condition; one yields to it enraptured, or is driven and plagued by the terror of finding no escape. More often than not, happiness is but the surface of despair.
-- Alfred Brendel -
What is the use of theorizing as to wherein lies the charm that moves us?
-- Alfred de Vigny -
In the conditions of modern life the rule is absolute, the race which does not value trained intelligence is doomed. Not all your heroism, not all your social charm, not all your wit, not all your victories on land or at sea, can move back the finger of fate. To-day we maintain ourselves. To-morrow science will have moved forward yet one more step, and there will be no appeal from the judgment which will then be pronounced on the uneducated.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
The point of mathematics is that in it we have always got rid of the particular instance, and even of any particular sorts of entities. So that for example, no mathematical truths apply merely to fish, or merely to stones, or merely to colours. So long as you are dealing with pure mathematics, you are in the realm of complete and absolute abstraction. . . . Mathematics is thought moving in the sphere of complete abstraction from any particular instance of what it is talking about.
-- Alfred North Whitehead -
I shall sleep, and move with the moving ships, Change as the winds change, veer in the tide.
-- Algernon Charles Swinburne -
Europeans should pay more attention. Iran has called for dialogue and is moving in the direction of reaching an agreement through peaceful means.
-- Ali Larijani -
Books mean all possibilities. They mean moving out of yourself, losing yourself, dying of thirst and living to your full. They mean everything.
-- Ali Smith -
Words are like untying a corset - you can move into this great space with them.
-- Ali Smith -
Always take a compliment, Caroline. Always take it for the way it was intended. You girls are always so quick to twist what others say. Simply say thank you and move on.
-- Alice Clayton -
They're reacting and that's wonderful. It's better than them sitting there doing nothing. I say make them react - do whatever's in your power to move the audience, and if that's where it is, and there where it is with America, sex and violence, then I say project it.
-- Alice Cooper -
The Chinese say that having two homes is the way to madness. I'm not mad, but I definitely wish Hollywood would move to Trafalgar Square. But the life of an actor is a life of movement, isn't it?
-- Alice Eve -
Nothing will unfold for us unless we move toward what looks to us like nothing: faith is a cascade.
-- Alice Fulton