Onions famous quotes
52 minutes ago
The next day, she was silent. For breakfast, she murdered an onion and served it raw.
-- Adam Johnson -
I love those tiny little onions in the spring that are so small they're almost like a little chive.
-- Alice Waters -
Organizing ahead of time makes the work more enjoyable. Chefs cut up the onions and have the ingredients lined up ahead of time and have them ready to go. When everything is organized you can clean as you go and it makes everything so much easier and fun.
-- Anne Burrell -
There is a charm in making a stew, to the unaccustomed cook, from the excitement of wondering what the result will be, and whether any flavour save that of onions will survive the competition in the mixture.
-- Annie Besant -
The universe is simmering down, like a giant stew left to cook for four billion years. Sooner or later we won’t be able to tell the carrots from the onions.
-- Arthur Bloch -
It was what we Japanese called the onion life, peeling away a layer at a time and crying all the while.
-- Arthur Golden -
Something can be done with people who put pickled onions in: strangulation seems best.
-- Bernard DeVoto -
It had more layers than an onion. These writers meant business. There was a level for everybody. Your major could be celestial mechanics, and there'd be celestial-mechanics jokes.
-- Billy West -
The papers are portraying Rafa as a parrot, just like they did when they showed Graham Taylor as an onion
-- Bobby Gould -
Bert's wallet is like an onion. Any time he opens it, he starts crying.
-- Brendan Morrison -
You cannot escape where you come from, September. Some part of it remains inside you always, like the slender white heart in the center of the thickest onion.
-- Catherynne M. Valente -
For an Apple is in it self a little Universe; the Seed, hotter than the other parts thereof, is its Sun, which diffuses about it self that natural Heat which preserves its Globe: And in the Onion, the Germ is the little Sun of that little World, which vivifies and nourishes the vegetative Salt of that little mass.
-- Cyrano de Bergerac -
Like the layers of an onion, under the first lie is another, and under that another, and they all make you cry.
-- Derrick Jensen -
Banish the onion from the kitchen and the pleasure flies with it.
-- Elizabeth Robins Pennell -
Onion rings in the car cushions do not improve with time.
-- Erma Bombeck -
The onion tribe is prophylactic and highly invigorating, and even more necessary to cookery than parsley itself.
-- George Ellwanger -
Truth has as many coats as an onion ... and each one of them hollow when you peel it off.
-- Helen Waddell -
If you are a programmer working in 2006 and you don’t know the basics of characters, character sets, encodings, and Unicode, and I catch you, I’m going to punish you by making you peel onions for six months in a submarine.
-- Joel Spolsky -
When I wrote The Onion Field, I realized that my first two novels were just practice.
-- Joseph Wambaugh -
The Onion Field made a real writer. And then I knew it was over, I couldn't be a cop anymore.
-- Joseph Wambaugh -
The Onion Field, that one got pretty close to me because I was a cop when it happened. I saw some of the indifference that my police department showed to the surviving officer.
-- Joseph Wambaugh -
It is hard to imagine a civilization without onions.
-- Julia Child -
Acting is like peeling an onion. You have to peel away each layer to reveal another.
-- Juliette Binoche -
We have garlic days, and onion days. You know what they're cooking.
-- Leslie White -
I'm Irish, so I'm used to odd stews. I can take it. Just throw a lot of carrots and onions in there and I'll call it dinner.
-- Liam Neeson -
This was too much. "I refuse. I absolutely REFUSE to be an onion.
-- Louise Fitzhugh -
These managers all know their onions and cut their cloth accordingly.
-- Mark Lawrenson -
That would be cool if you could eat a good food with a bad food and the good food would cover for the bad food when it got to your stomach. Like you could eat a carrot with an onion ring and they would travel down to your stomach, then they would get there, and the carrot would say, It's cool, he's with me.
-- Mitch Hedberg -
Man is like an onion. His potential is exposed one layer at a time until all he is, is known by all.
-- Myles Munroe -
When you get into statistical analysis, you don't really expect to achieve fame. Or to become an Internet meme. Or be parodied by 'The Onion' - or be the subject of a cartoon in 'The New Yorker.' I guess I'm kind of an outlier there.
-- Nate Silver -
A woman's chastity consists, like an onion, of a series of coats. You may strip off the outer ones without doing much mischief, perhaps none at all ; but you keep taking off one after another, in expectation of coming to the inner nucleus, including the whole value of the matter. It proves, however, that there is no such nucleus, and that chastity is diffused through the whole series of coats, is lessened with the removal of each, and vanishes with the final one which you supposed would introduce you to the hidden pearl.
-- Nathaniel Hawthorne -
It doesn't matter how precisely the onion is cut as long as the person chewing it is happy.
-- Padma Lakshmi -
It’s a trifle. It’s got all of these layers. First there’s a layer of ladyfingers, then a layer of jam, then custard, which I made from scratch, then raspberries, more ladyfingers, then beef sauteed with peas and onions, then a little more custard, and then bananas, and then I just put some whipped cream on top!
-- Rachel -
Chili is one of the great peasant foods. It is one of the few contributions America has made to world cuisine. Eaten with corn bread, sweet onion, sour cream, it contains all five of the elements deemed essential by the sages of the Orient: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, and bitter.
-- Rex Stout -
Fully stripped down, an onion is a pile of scattered layers; it has no center.
-- Richard Eder -
Good intentions are not enough. They've never put an onion in the soup yet.
-- Sonya Levien -
I do not like onions. It's so funny because I am probably one of the least picky eaters ever. Pretty much any type of new food, I'll try it, I'll eat it. But onions, and pork. Pork and onions.
-- Stacie Orrico -
Most folks call them green onions, but they're really scallions.
-- Stan Freberg -
Before Julia Child there was only onion dip.
-- Susan Branch -
Indeed, you become what you eat. In which case I am an onion. Layered, slightly sour and guaranteed to bring tears to the eyes.
-- Tobsha Learner -
Government is like an onion. To understand it, you have to peel through many different layers. Most outsiders never get beyond the first or second layer.
-- Warren G. Bennis -
Everything I do, I do on the principle of Russian borscht. You can throw everything into it beets, carrots, cabbage, onions, everything you want. What's important is the result, the taste of the borscht.
-- Yevgeny Yevtushenko -
My headshot is a scratch and sniff, it smells like failure and onions.
-- Zach Galifianakis -
Newton had a very good description of gravity, back in the day, and then Einstein came along and dug a little bit deeper. Science is like peeling an onion. You go deeper and deeper and deeper, and it doesn't stop. It's not like you will get to a right answer.
-- Dallas Campbell -
The beauty of doing a series is that, over the course of time, it's like peeling an onion. You're able to reveal these layers, more and more. You just don't want to reveal too much, too soon.
-- Harry Lennix -
A good hamburger mix: add equal parts black pepper, granulated garlic, grilled onion, onion powder and some chopped onion. And mix in a little barbecue sauce, which will add even more great flavor.
-- Johnny Trigg -
A good or great performance is like peeling an onion; in every scene you reveal another layer, something the audience hasn't seen until then. They stay involved because they are constantly learning about and discovering the character they are watching. They can't take you for granted and it keeps them hooked.
-- Larry Moss -
I never felt ostracized or made to feel strange by obsessing over The Onion or Calvin and Hobbes. That was considered completely normal.
-- Simon Rich -
I've learned that ayahuasca works in levels, a little like peeling an onion. It is complex and something you really have to experience to understand.
-- Zoe Helene -
We're producing a movie now, 'The Onion' Movie, and it's very difficult for me to be on the set. If I'm not right in the trenches, it's very difficult for me to watch another director, because I'm not involved and it's not exciting.
-- David Zucker -
When you start peeling the onion and uncovering layers and layers of inequity that have been subsidized by government, it makes a lot of people uncomfortable.
-- Robert D Bullard -
The onion being eaten, yea though it be boyled, causeth head-ache, hurteth the eyes, and maketh a man dimme sighted, dulleth the senses, ingendreth windinesse, and provoketh overmuch sleepe, especially being eaten raw
-- John Gerard